Do your students understand the job of a ‘criminal profiler’? Yes, they see them nightly on tv shows and in the news, but do they have a
real understanding of how law enforcement can use empirical data to correctly assess behavior and help solve crimes, particularly serial crimes?
Criminal and Behavioral Profiling, by well-established authors Curt and Anne Bartol, presents a realistic and empirically-based look at the theory, research, and practice of modern criminal profiling. Designed for use in a variety of criminal justice and psychology courses, the book delves into the process of identifying behavioral tendencies, geographical locations, demographic and biographical descriptors of an offender (or offenders), and sometimes personality traits based on characteristics of the crime. Timely literature and case studies from the rapidly growing international research in criminal profiling help students understand the best practices, major pitfalls, and psychological concepts that are key to this process.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Crime Scene Profiling
Chapter 3: Scientific Approaches to Crime Scene Profiling
Chapter 4: Geographic Profiling and Mapping
Chapter 5: Profiling Applied to Specific Crimes
Chapter 6: Psychological Profiling: A Focus on Threat and Risk Assessment
Chapter 7: Suspect-Based Profiling
Chapter 8: Reconstructive Psychological Evaluation: The Psychological Autopsy
Chapter 9: Profiling In Court
Anne M. Bartol earned an MA and a Ph D in criminal justice from State University of New York at Albany. She also holds an MA in journalism from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She taught criminal justice, sociology, and journalism courses over a 20-year college teaching career and has worked as a journalist and a social worker in child and adolescent protective services. In addition to Introduction to Forensic Psychology, she has coauthored Juvenile Delinquency: A Systems Approach; Delinquency and Justice: A Psychosocial Approach; Psychology and Law: Theory, Research, and Application; Criminal Behavior; and Criminal and Behavioral Profiling. She co-edited Current Perspectives, has served as book review editor and managing editor of Criminal Justice and Behavior and has published articles on women and criminal justice, rural courts, and the history of forensic psychology.