In the French Republic political leadership is normally provided by the presidency, albeit from a very narrow constitutional base. This volume examines the strengths and weaknesses of that leadership as well as the way that executive power has been established in the republican context.
Acknowledgments Notes on Contributors List of Abbreviations Introduction: The Presidency in the French Fifth Republic; D.S.Bell & J.Gaffney PART I Political Leadership from the Fourth to the Fifth Republic; D.Hanley ‘Hyperpresidentialism’ and the Fifth Republic State Imperative; J.Hayward Ségolène Royal and Gendered Leadership in France; R.Murray PART II Charles de Gaulle: The Real Gaullist Settlement; J.Gaffney Georges Pompidou: The Gaullist Heritage, and the Heritage of ’68’. G.Richard (Translated by John Gaffney) Valéry Giscard d’Estaing: The Limits of Liberalism; J.Shields François Mitterrand: The President as ‘political artist’; D.S.Bell Jacques Chirac: Surviving without Leading; A.Knapp Nicolas Sarkozy: ‘Sarkozyism’ a New Presidential Leadership; P.Perrineau Conclusion: The Study of Political Leadership in France; D.S.Bell & J.Gaffney
DAVID BELL is Professor of Politics at the University of Leeds, UK.
JOHN GAFFNEY is Professor of Politics at Aston University, UK.