Using vignettes of Muslim-Christian engagement within the Anglican and Lutheran communities from around the world, this book provides thoughtful Anglican and Lutheran responses to Muslim-Christian relationships from a variety of perspectives and contexts, lays the groundwork for ongoing faithful, sensitive, and sincere engagement.
Dedication Forward; Joseph Duggan Preface; Mark Hanson Preface; Rowan Williams Introduction; Asma Afsaruddin PART I: HISTORICAL ENCOUNTERS 1. Early Christian-Muslim Encounters; Mark Swanson 2. A 19th Century Lutheran-Anglican Missionary Tract; David Grafton 3. Contemporary Anglican-Egyptian Approaches to Christian-Muslim Dialogue; Yvonne Haddad PART II: ANGLICAN-LUTHERAN PROJECTS 4. Lutheran-Muslim Relationships in Senegal; Viking Deitrich 5. Standing Together; Gwynne Guibord 6. Renewing Our Pledge: The Episcopal Church’s Engagement with Islam and Muslims; Lucinda Allen Mosher 7. ELCA-Muslim Dialogue; Michael R. Trice
Asma Afsaruddin, Indiana University, USA Viking Deitrich, Interdenominational Joint Christian Ministry in West Africa, Ghana Gwynne Guibord, The Guibord Center, USA Yvonne Haddad, Georegtown University, USA Lucinda Allen Mosher, Hartford Seminary, USA Mark S. Hanson, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, USA Mark Swanson, Lutheran School of Theology of Chicago, USA Michael R. Trice, Seattle University, USA Rowan Williams, Cambridge University, UK