Christians, Muslims and Jews all stem from one man, Abraham, and yet relations between them are so often strained. Three men of faith: one Jew, one Muslim and one Christian debate the differences between them. The result is a compelling discussion: What do their faiths teach on the big issues of life? What can be done to make for better relationships in the future? What can be done on the big global areas of conflict and tension? How can they get along? For hundreds of years, many...
Foreword by Marcus Braybrooke 6
Preface 7
A Word from the Authors 8
Part I: Teachings
Chapter 1: Predicament and Hope 16
Chapter 2: God 29
Chapter 3: Jesus 42
Dr George D Chryssides is Honorary Research Fellow in Contemporary Religion at the University of Birmingham. He holds a M.A. in Philosophy and a B.D. in Systematic Theology fro...