From its origins in 1976, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics has become a best seller, providing students across the business specialisms with an introductory survey of descriptive and inferential statistics. With a step-by-step approach and clear writing style, any student can learn and succeed in Business Statistics.The new edition includes a focus on the development of basic data analytical skills. Microsoft Excel, Minitab, and Mega Stat are used throughout the te...
From its origins in 1976, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics has become a best seller, providing students across the business specialisms with an introductory survey of descriptive and inferential statistics. With a step-by-step approach and clear writing style, any student can learn and succeed in Business Statistics.The new edition includes a focus on the development of basic data analytical skills. Microsoft Excel, Minitab, and Mega Stat are used throughout the text to illustrate statistical software analyses, and screen captures are used within the chapters, so the student becomes familiar with the nature of the software output. Additional resources are available online through Connect, with references or links in the text to Excel tutorials that provide users with clear demonstrations using statistical software to create graphical and descriptive statistics and analyses to test hypotheses.What’s changed:The Nineteenth Edition made several changes to the flow and organization of the text by adding the sampling distribution of the proportion to Chapter 8, moving the one- and two-sample tests of hypothesis for proportions to Chapters 10, preceding the two-sample tests of hypothesis in Chapter 11 with the F-distribution, and the revision of several Chapter introductions.Many of the calculation examples have been replaced with interpretative ones to help students understand and interpret the statistical results with more emphasis on the conceptual nature of the topics.This edition also brings a renewed recognition of diversity, equity, and inclusion to the text, exercises, and examples through an increased diversity of persons and businesses from varied geographic, ethnic, and cultural groups.