This collection, with contributions on seventeen countries from social scientists from Africa, the Americas, Asia-Pacific, and Europe, analyzes the characteristics and potential of diverse educational, political and related initiatives towards progressive changes in gender relations to show how men are reacting to contemporary social change
Introduction: Transforming Men and Masculinities Around the World; K.Pringle, J.Hearn, B.Pease & E.Ruspini PART I: MEN AND MASCULINITIESIN EUROPE Slow, Passive and Hesitant…Transforming Men’s Practices in Austria; E.Foster Interventions on and of Men in the Finnish State, Civil Society and Media; J.Hearn & H.Niemi Care-free Masculinities in Ireland; N.Hanlon & K.Lynch And Yet Something is on the Move…Education for New Forms of Masculinity and Paternity in Italy; E.Ruspini (Re)constructing Masculinity a la Polonais; K.Wojnicka Unravelling the Maze: Gender Equality and Men’s Practices in Norway; Øystein Gullvåg Holter Working with Men in a Gender Equality Paradise? The Case of Sweden; M.Eriksson & K.Pringle What’s Happening in Men’s Work in the UK? Reflections on Policies and Processes; C.Wright M.Cowburn PART II: MENAND MASCULINITIESIN THE AMERICAS Masculinities and Social Intervention in Colombia; M.V.Vigolla Young Mexican Men Divided: A Possibility for Transforming Masculinity; J.C.R.Rodríguez Engaging Men in the United States:Soft Essentialism and the Obstaclesto Coherent Initiatives in Education and Family Policy; T.Bridges & M.Kimmel PART III: MEN AND MASCULINITIES IN THE ASIA PACIFIC Governing Men’s Violence in Australia; B.Pease Masculinities in Crisis? Men and Boys in Contemporary China; X.Zhang Transforming Men and Masculinities in Contemporary Japan; J.Roberson From Benevolent Patriarchy To Gender Transformation:A Case Study of Pakistan’s’We Can End Violence Against Women’ Program; J.Wu PART IV:MEN AND MASCULINITIESIN AFRICA Poverty, Masculine Violence and the Transformation of Men: Ethnographic Notes from Kenyan Slums; C.Izugbara Navigating Past ‘the White Man’s Agenda’ in South Africa: Organising Men for Gendered Transformation of Society; K.Ratele, T.Shefer & M.Botha
ELISABETTA RUSPINI Senior Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy.
JEFF HEARN Professor in Gender Studies (Critical Studies on Men) at Linköping University, Sweden; a Professor of Sociology at the University of Huddersfield, UK; and a Professor in the Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland.
BOB PEASE Chair of Social Work at Deakin University, Australia.
KEITH PRINGLE Professor in Sociology at Uppsala University in Sweden, and a Professor in Social Policy and Social Work at London Metropolitan University, UK. In addition, he is an Adjungeret Professor at Aalborg University in Denmark and Honorary Professor at Warwick University, UK.