In the practice of constructing the idea of home and the emotions surrounding it, sensory experiences and materiality intertwine to form layers of memory and affective atmospheres. People in different life stages and situations create continuity and a sense of home by engaging with materiality and objects in their own unique way. Reconstructing Homes takes on a multidisciplinary approach of sensory ethnography, visual methods and autoethnography methodologies to explore affective engagements with materiality in the context of home and the idea of belonging.
Introduction: Exploring Affective Materiality and Atmospheres of Home
Eerika Koskinen-Koivisto, Kristiina Korjonen-Kuusipuro, Viktorija L.A. Čeginskas, Anna Kajander & Helmut De Nardi
*This chapter is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) with support from University of Jyväskylä.
Part I: Autobiographical Materiality
Chapter 1. Bridging Homes in Space and Time: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Affective Materiality across Generations
Maja Povrzanović Frykman
Chapter 2. Objects as Catalysts: How Absent Objects Connect Memory, Family History, and Transnational Mobility
Viktorija L.A. Čeginskas
Chapter 3. Home, A Place Not to Feel
Tomás Errazuriz
Part II: Continuity through Materiality
Chapter 4. Material Memories of Lost Karelia: Affective Reminders of Ancestral Villages in the Finnish Second World War Evacuee Families’ Homes
Oula Seitsonen
Chapter 5. Erased Landscapes and Reconstructed Cultures: The Effect of Materiality on Identity-rebuilding Processes of Karelian people
Maarit Sireni
Chapter 6. Adopted Heritage and the Rightness of Things: The “Uncanny” in the Creation of Home and Belonging
Anna Kurpiel and Katarzyna Maniak
Part III: Engagements with Affective Materiality
Chapter 7. Constructing Affective Atmospheres at Home: Materiality and Meaningful objects of Kink
Johanna Pohtinen
Chapter 8. Craft Making at Home: Affective Practices of Coping with the Covid-19 Pandemic
Anna Rauhala
Chapter 9. Longing and Belonging: Exploring the Affective Role of Materiality in an International Adoption Case
Giovanna Bacchiddu
Part IV: Essays: Material Traces and Future Visions
Chapter 10. Everything You Own or Have Ever Owned
Gabe Moshenska
Chapter 11. Fair Futures
Robert Willim
Helmut De Nardi
Anna Kajander is a Postdoctoral Researcher of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Jyväskylä.
Helmut De Nardi is a Senior Research Fellow at Kings College London.