With a particular focus on their integration paths, political participation and identifications, this book draws on large cross-national surveys of this specific population carried out between 2004 and 2012, as well as in-depth interviews and aggregate statistical data from a plethora of sources.
Introduction: Between Individualization and Globalization: The Long-Term Premises to Free Movement PART I: THEORIZING FREE MOVEMENT: HISTORY, POLICIES, DEMOGRAPHICS 1. A Frontierless Continent: History of an Idea and its Realization 2. Why Free Movement? Assessing Policies and Rationales 3. Mobile Europeans: How Many are There, Where are They, What do They do? PART II: PRACTISING FREE MOVEMENT: SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES 4. ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Mobile Europeans: Integration Pathways Compared 5. A Sterile Citizenship? Intra-European Mobility and Political Participation 6. Spatial Mobility and European Identity: Towards a Sense of Shared Belonging Conclusion: Free Movement in Europe: Epitomizing the Age of Mobility?
Ettore Recchi is Professor of Sociology at Sciences Po, France, and a member of the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement. He has taught at the University of Chieti-Pescara, the University of Florence, the European University Institute and the University of Michigan. His main research interests are mobilities (in their different forms), social stratification, elites and European integration. From 2002, he has served as coordinator of three large-scale international research projects on mobility in Europe (titled Pioneur, Moveact and Eucross) funded by the European Commission.