How Today’s Highly Effective Leaders Develop High Performing Teams"Build Better Teams is an insightful book offering leaders a compelling and practical team building ‘code’ to optimize team performance." -Amy Edmondson Build Better Teams, endorsed by both Amy Edmondson and Edgar Schein, provides the first ever scientifically backed team development code that can be applied to any virtual or hybrid team in any industry to boost performance. The book provides a simple, memorable, an...
How Today’s Highly Effective Leaders Develop High Performing Teams"Build Better Teams is an insightful book offering leaders a compelling and practical team building ‘code’ to optimize team performance." -Amy Edmondson Build Better Teams, endorsed by both Amy Edmondson and Edgar Schein, provides the first ever scientifically backed team development code that can be applied to any virtual or hybrid team in any industry to boost performance. The book provides a simple, memorable, and easy to apply formula, together with practical advice for leaders expected to manage high performing teams.Teams today are more complex than ever before. Requirements for diversity training, and growing pressures from accelerating digitalisation, remote working, and mental health issues all combine to create increasing uncertainty and stress for team leaders. Build Better Teams describes this context and then provides a simple, practical code that takes the guess work out of leading and motivating a team to peak performance.Learn how to be a highly effective leader. Author George Karseras, executive team development coach with over twenty years of experience in team development, and founder of Team Up, describes the "Team Up Playbook", a four-step sequence that any team leader can follow to produce high performing teams.Using real life examples from organizations and summaries from the most recent academic studies. Karseras equips leaders to use the code with practical tools, techniques and tips in a casual, easy to read format that answers questions such as:What can expect to be the impact of virtual working and digital transformations on my team?How do I use a road map that science confirms works for all teams?How do I build a greater sense of community into the organization and, eventually, the world?If you liked books like The Fearless Organization, Team of Teams, or Leaders Eat Last then you’ll love Build Better Teams.