Most classrooms contain children from a variety of backgrounds, where home culture, religious beliefs and the family′s economic situation all impact on achievement. This needs to be recognised by teachers in order to establish fair, respectful, trusting and constructive relationships with children and their families, which will allow every child to reach their full potential.
This book looks at real issues that affect teachers in the classroom, and examines a variety of influences affecting child development. It provides you with the theoretical and practical information you need to ensure you understand the complex factors which affect the children in your care, and it encourages good, thoughtful teaching. Dealing with some of the less widely addressed aspects of diversity and inclusion, the book considers:
– children who are asylum seekers
– the notion of ′pupil voice′
– what diversity and equality mean in practice
– gender and achievement
– looked-after children
– social class
– disability
– ethnicity and whiteness
This book is essential reading for any education student looking at diversity and inclusion, and for teachers in role looking for advice on how to meet the professional standards.
Introduction – Gianna Knowles
Diversity, Equality and Educational Achievement – Gianna Knowles
Identity – Gianna Knowles
Diverse Familes, Diverse Childhoods – Gianna Knowles
Ethnicity, Whiteness and Identity – Vini Lander
Class, Equality and Achievement – Gianna Knowles
Boys, Girls, Gender Issues and Achievement – Vini Lander
Coming from a Traveller Background: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children – Living on the Margins – Vini Lander
Refugee and Asylum Seeker Children – Vini Lander
Looked-after Children – Children in Care – Gianna Knowles
Enabling Equality and Achievement for Children with Disability – Gianna Knowles
Vini Lander is the Head of Primary Programmes at the University of Chichester. She was also Deputy Director of Multiverse for 5 years. This was TDA funded professional resource network on achievement and diversity. As part of her role in Multiverse, Vini has delivered training sessions to student teachers and teacher educators on diversity, inclusion and achievement across England. Vini has also delivered lectures to teachers and teacher educators in Berlin Hamburg and Munich./par1/Vini worked in mainstream schools teaching science and A level Biology for a number of years. She also worked in a specialist role with pupils for whom English as an Additional Language. At the University of Chichester, Vini teaches on the primary undergraduate, postgraduate and Masters level programmes./par1//par1/Vini′s research interests lie in the field of race, ethnicity and diversity, particularly with reference to initial teacher education. She has completed her doctoral research in this area.