The International Symposium on the History of Machines and Mechanisms is the main activity of the Permanent Commission (PC) for the History of Mechanism and Machine Science (HMM) of the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFTo MM). The first symposium, HMM2000, was initiated by Dr. Marco Ceccarelli and was held at the University of Cassino (Cassino, Italy) on May 11–13, 2000. The second symposium, HMM2004, was chaired by Dr. Marco Ceccarelli and held at the same venue on May 12–15, 2004. The third symposium, HMM2008, was chaired by Dr. Hong-Sen Yan and held at the National Cheng Kung University (Tainan, Taiwan) on November 11–14, 2008. The mission of IFTo MM is to promote research and development in the field of machines and mechanisms by theoretical and experimental methods, along with their practical applications. The aim of HMM2008 is to establish an international forum for presenting and discussing historical developments in the field of Mechanism and Machine Science (MMS). The subject area covers all aspects of the development of HMM, such as machine, mechanism, kinematics, design method, etc., that are related to people, events, objects, anything that assisted in the development of the HMM, and presented in the forms of reasoning and ar- ments, demonstration and identification, and description and evaluation.
History of Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms from Leonardo to Timoshenko.- On the Historical Overview of Geometric Algebra for Kinematics of Mechanisms.- Some Origins of TMM Arisen from Pseudo-Aristotle and Hero of Alexandria.- Kurt Hain – An Outstanding Personality in the Field of Applied Kinematics and the Accessibility to his Scientific Work.- The Development of Machine Design as a Science from Classical Times to Modern Era.- The Evolution and Development of Mechanical Engineering Through Large Cultural Areas.- A Brief Account on Roman Machines and Cultural Frames.- Devices for Distance and Time Measurement at the Time of Roman Empire.- The Twenty-One Books of Devices and Machines: An Encyclopedia of Machines and Mechanisms of the 16th Century.- A Contribution to the History of Cam Mechanisms – From Leonardo da Vinci Till Today.- Steam Locomotives in the History of Technology of Mexico.- The First Steam Machine in Cuba: Little-Known Pages of Agustin de Betancourt’s Work and Life.- A Historical Overview of Japanese Clocks and Karakuri.- An Introduction to the Spinning and Weaving Devices and Tools of the Miao Ethnic Group in the Northeast of Yunnan Province.- Ancient Chinese Windmills.- An Interpretation of a Shui Lun Fu ??? (Rhapsody on Waterwheel)*.- “Lei Si Jing”(???) and the Curve-Beam Plough of the Tang Dynasty of China.- Crank-Connecting Rod Mechanism: Its Applications in Ancient China and Its Origin.- The Development of Knowledge on Levers in Ancient China.- Phases in the Unraveling of the Secrets of the Gear System of the Antikythera Mechanism.- An Investigation and Reconstruction of Traditional Vertical-Axle-Styled “Chinese Great Windmill” and Its Square-Pallet Chain-Pump.- On the Mechanism Analysis of the Vertical Shaft Type Wind-Power Chinese Square-Pallet Chain-Pump.- An Approach for the Reconstruction Synthesis of Lost Ancient Chinese Mechanisms.- Robotics for Minimally Invasive Surgery: A Historical Review from the Perspective of Kinematics.- Multiple Bolts as Security Devices.- Technology Transfer of Educational Machine Mechanism Models.