Marco Ceccarelli was born in Rome in 1958. He received his mechanical engineering degree cum laude in 1982 at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome. At the same University he completed a Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics in 1988. In 1987 he was visiting scholar at Stanford University, U.S.A., and in 1990 he received a CNR-NATO annual grant as visiting professor at the Technical University of Valencia, Spain. Since 1990 he teaches courses on Mechanics of Machinery and Mechanisms and Mechanics of Robots at the School of Engineering at the University of Cassino. Since 1996 he is Director of LARM, the Laboratory of Robotics and Mechatronics of Di MSAT, the Department of Mechanics, Structures, Environment and Territory at the University of Cassino. Since 2001 he has been appointed Full Professor of Mechanics of Machinery and Mechanisms at the University of Cassino. From 2003 to 2005 he has been Vice Director of Di MSAT. He is member of ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers), AIMETA (Italian Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), AEIM (Spanish Society of Mechanical Engineers), SIRJ (Italian Association of Robotics and Automation), IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), Fe Ib IM (Iberoamerican Federation for Mechanical Engineering). He is author or co-author of more than two hundreds and fifty papers, which have been presented at Conferences or published in national and international journals. More information at the web page http:llwebuser.unicas.itlweblarmllarmindex.htm
54 电子书 Marco Ceccarelli
Marco Ceccarelli: Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science: Their Contributions and Legacies
This is the ?rst volume of a series of edited books whose aim is to collect contributed papers in a framework that can serve as a dictionary of names of individuals who have made contributions to the …
Marco Ceccarelli: Proceedings of EUCOMES 08
The EUCOMES08, Second European Conference on Mechanism Science is the second event of a series that has been started in 2006 as a conference activity for an European community working in Mechanism Sc …
Hong-Sen Yan & Marco Ceccarelli: International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms
The International Symposium on the History of Machines and Mechanisms is the main activity of the Permanent Commission (PC) for the History of Mechanism and Machine Science (HMM) of the International …
Giuseppe Carbone & Marco Ceccarelli: New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics
This book contains the selected papers of the Sixth International Workshop on Medical and Service Robots (MESROB 2018), held in Cassino, Italy, in 2018. The main topics of the workshop include: desig …
Alessandro Gasparetto & Marco Ceccarelli: Mechanism Design for Robotics
This volume contains the Proceedings of the 4th IFTo MM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics, held in Udine, Italy, 11-13 September, 2018. It includes recent advances in the design of mech …
Baichun Zhang & Marco Ceccarelli: Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms
This is the proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms that was held in Beijing, China, in September 2018. The Symposium provided an international foru …
Marco Ceccarelli & Victor A. Glazunov: Advances on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators
This proceedings volume contains papers that have been selected after review for oral presentation at ROMANSY 2014, the 20th CISM-IFTo MM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators. …
Marco Ceccarelli & Eusebio Eduardo Hernández Martinez: Multibody Mechatronic Systems
This volume contains the Proceedings of MUSME 2014, held at Huatulco in Oaxaca, Mexico, October 2014. Topics include analysis and synthesis of mechanisms; dynamics of multibody systems; design algori …
Shaoping Bai & Marco Ceccarelli: Recent Advances in Mechanism Design for Robotics
This volume contains the Proceedings of the 3rd IFTo MM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics, held in Aalborg, Denmark, 2-4 June, 2015. The book contains papers on recent advances in the design …
Marco Ceccarelli & Michela Cigola: New Activities For Cultural Heritage
This is the Proceedings of the International Workshop Heritagebot 2017 that was held in Cassino, Italy in September 2017. The papers cover a wide range of disciplines connected with Cultura …
Marco Ceccarelli: Vangeli Sinottici. Una introduzione
Raccogliendo e sintetizzando le lezioni tenute dall’autore sui Vangeli Sinottici – Matteo, Marco, Luca – il volume intende offrire uno strumento per un primo approccio ai più antichi testi narrativi …
Marco Ceccarelli: Educazione all’amore. Dialoghi e considerazioni su un illustre sconosciuto
Questa seconda edizione di Educazione all’Amore presenta integrazioni agli argomenti già trattati nella prima edizione e aggiunge materiale per nuove riflessioni. Il volume, con il suo approccio coll …
Marco Ceccarelli: 7 Euro 7 Metodi
Questo ebook è un ottimo punto di partenza per chi voglia guadagnare online, le strategie sono semplici ma efficaci e il costo dell’ebook è veramente basso rispetto al suo valore effettivo in termini …
Marco Ceccarelli: La passione di Cristo. Una guida interpretativa
Il libro si propone di offrire una guida e una chiave interpretrativa alla passione di Cristo narrata dai Vangeli. La passione di Gesù non è una disgraziata conclusione della sua attività di profeta; …
Marco Ceccarelli: Il profeta rifiutato
Della vita e dell’opera di Geremia possiamo conoscere, grazie all’omonimo libro veterotestamentario, a sufficienza per trarre delle valutazioni riguardo la sua attività profetica e le conseguenti rea …
Marco Ceccarelli: Educazione all’Amore – Seconda Edizione
Questa seconda edizione di Educazione all’Amore presenta integrazioni agli argomenti già trattati nella prima edizione e aggiunge materiale per nuove riflessioni. Il volume, con il suo approccio coll …
Marco Ceccarelli: L’Agnello e il Servo
Cosa ha di speciale la passione di Cristo? Perché la Chiesa primitiva ne ha fatto il cuore della sua predicazione? Può qualcuno caricarsi del male di un altro così da liberarlo da esso? E se sì, in c …
Marco Ceccarelli: Il Vangelo e l’Apocalisse di Giovanni. Una introduzione
Il volume intende offrire non un commentario ma uno strumento, accessibile a tutti, anche ai meno ferrati nel campo biblico, per un primo approccio ai due testi principali della scuola giovannea. A t …
Marco Ceccarelli: Crea il tuo ebook
Se sei giunto fino qui conoscerai gli infoprodotti o sei interessato a conoscerli. Gli infoprodotti sono prodotti digitali in vari formati, ebook, audio, video, ecc. che contengono informazioni utili …
Marco Ceccarelli: La tua nicchia di Guadagno
Se vuoi vendere tuoi prodotti online è fondamentale che prima di crearne uno tu abbia chiara la nicchia di mercato a cui rivolgerti. Occorre quindi prima pianificare e trovare una nicchia di m …
Marco Ceccarelli: Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
This is the second volume of a series of edited books whose aim is to collect c- tributed papers within a framework that can serve as a collection of persons in MMS (Mechanism and Machine Science). T …
Emilio Bautista Paz & Marco Ceccarelli: A Brief Illustrated History of Machines and Mechanisms
Machines have always gone hand-in-hand with the cultural development of m- kind throughout time. A book on the history of machines is nothing more than a specific way of bringing light to human event …
S. A. Paipetis & Marco Ceccarelli: The Genius of Archimedes — 23 Centuries of Influence on Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Archimedes is held in high esteem by mathematicians, physicists and engineers as one of the most brilliant scientists of all time. These proceedings contain original, unpublished papers with the prim …
Doina Pisla & Marco Ceccarelli: New Trends in Mechanism Science
After two succesful conferences held in Innsbruck (Prof. Manfred Husty) in 2006 and Cassino in 2008 (Prof Marco Ceccarelli) with the participation of the most important well-known scientists fro …
J. M. de la Portilla & Marco Ceccarelli: History of Machines for Heritage and Engineering Development
This volume contains a selection of papers whose content have been presented at the International conferences CIPHI on Cultural Heritage and History of Engineering at University of Las Palmas de Gran …
Marco Ceccarelli: Technology Developments: the Role of Mechanism and Machine Science and IFToMM
This is the first book of a series that will focus on MMS (Mechanism and Machine Science). This book also presents IFTo MM, the International Federation on the Promotion of MMS and its activity. 
Teun Koetsier & Marco Ceccarelli: Explorations in the History of Machines and Mechanisms
This book contains the proceedings of HMM2012, the 4th International Symposium on Historical Developments in the field of Mechanism and Machine Science (MMS). These proceedings cover recent research …
Fernando Viadero-Rueda & Marco Ceccarelli: New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science
This book contains the papers of the European Conference on Mechanisms Science (EUCOMES 2012 Conference). The book presents the most recent research developments in the mechanism and machine science …
Marco Ceccarelli: Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
This book is composed of chapters that focus specifically on technological developments by distinguished figures in the history of MMS (Mechanism and Machine Science). Biographies of well-known scien …
Marco Ceccarelli: Fundamentals of Mechanics of Robotic Manipulation
This book has evolved from a course on Mechanics of Robots that the author has thought for over a dozen years at the University of Cassino at Cassino, Italy. It is addressed mainly to graduate studen …
Marco Ceccarelli: International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms
The HMM2004 International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms is the second event of a series that has been started in 2000 as main activity of the IFTo MM Permanent Commission for Histor …
Marco Ceccarelli: International Symposium on History of Machines and MechanismsProceedings HMM 2000
The International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms is a new initiative to promote explicitly researches and publications in the field of the History of TMM (Theory of Machines and Mech …
Marco Ceccarelli & Faruk Kececi: Designs and Prototypes of Mobile Robots
For several decades now, mobile robots have been integral to the development of new robotic systems for new applications, even in nontechnical areas. Mobile robots have already been developed for suc …
Marco Ceccarelli & Yibing Fang: Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
This book discusses technological developments by distinguished figures in the history of MMS (mechanism and machine science). It includes biographies of well-known scientists, describing their effor …
Giuseppe Carbone & Marco Cecarelli: Design and Operation of Human Locomotion Systems
Design and Operation of Locomotion Systems examines recent advances in locomotion systems with multidisciplinary viewpoints, including mechanical design, biomechanics, control and computer science. I …
Nguyen Van Khang & Nguyen Quang Hoang: Advances in Asian Mechanism and Machine Science
This book presents the proceedings of the 6th IFTo MM Asian Mechanisms and Machine Science Conference (Asian MMS), held in Hanoi, Vietnam on December 15-18, 2021. It includes peer-reviewed papers on …
Marco Ceccarelli: Fundamentals of Mechanics of Robotic Manipulation
The book explores the fundamental issues of robot mechanics for both the analysis and design of manipulations, manipulators and grippers, taking into account a central role of mechanics and mechanica …
Marco Ceccarelli & Rafael López-García: Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms
This book gathers the latest advances in the field of history of science and technology, as presented by leading international researchers at the 7th International Symposium on History of Machines an …
Marco Ceccarelli & Alessandro Gasparetto: Distinguished Figures in Mechanism and Machine Science
This book discusses the technological developments achieved by distinguished figures in the history of mechanism and machine science (MMS). This is the fifth volume of a series of books which gathere …
Med Amine Laribi & Carl A. Nelson: New Advances in Mechanisms, Transmissions and Applications
Gathering the proceedings of the 6th IFTo MM International Conference on Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Applications (Me Tr App), held in Poitiers, France, on May 24-26, 2023, this volume covers topi …
Marco Ceccarelli & Loredana Santo: Design Advances in Aerospace Robotics
This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of space robots as presented at the International Conference on Robots for Space Applications in Orbital Stations (TO …
Rafael López-García & Marco Ceccarelli: Distinguished Figures in Mechanical Engineering in Spain and Ibero-America
This volume collects contributions on leading figures in mechanism and machine science (MMS) from Spain and Ibero-America over the last two centuries. The contributions examine scientists whose work …
Marco Ceccarelli: Lo studio della Bibbia
In questo volume si offrono alcuni elementi di introduzione allo studio della Sacra Scrittura in forma elementare, a partire dalle indicazioni fondamentali della Dei Verbum; ed un breve percorso nell …
Marco Ceccarelli: Il messaggio della salvezza Vol. 1: Origine e missione della chiesa
Il volume intende mostrare e dimostrare che la chiesa ha ricevuto da Cristo il mandato di assumere e continuare la sua stessa missione salvifica. Una missione, che è allo stesso tempo la “mission”, l …
Marco Ceccarelli: Atti degli Apostoli e Lettere paoline. Una introduzione – seconda edizione
Il volume presenta un’introduzione alla seconda opera lucana, gli Atti degli Apostoli, come pure alla letteratura e alla teologia paolina. Nonostante il linguaggio semplice e l’esposizione sintetica, …
Marco Ceccarelli: Libri profetici e sapienziali. Una introduzione
Il presente volume intende offrire, riguardo a quelle due grandi parti dell’Antico Testamento definite ‘Libri profetici’ e ‘Libri sapienziali’, un’introduzione in forma elementare, essendo rivolto so …
Marco Ceccarelli & Juan Carlos Jauregui-Correa: State-of-the-Art and Innovations in Mechanism and Machine Science
This book gathers invited contributions as survey and research reports in mechanism and machine science (MMS) ranging across the entire field, related in most instances to the works of late Prof. Car …
Marco Ceccarelli & Irem Aslan Seyhan: Explorations in the History and Heritage of Machines and Mechanisms
This book gathers the latest advances in the field of history of science and technology, as presented by leading international researchers at the 8th International Symposium on History of Machines an …
Marco Ceccarelli: Il Messaggio della Salvezza Vol. 2: La chiesa fra Dio e il mondo
Non sempre ai lettori della Bibbia risulta evidente se vi sia un fil rouge che collega tutti i suoi libri, dal primo all’ultimo. Se volessimo indicare un argomento che aiuti a comprendere l’omogeneit …
Giulio Rosati & Alessandro Gasparetto: New Trends in Mechanism and Machine Science
This book gathers the proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Mechanism Science (Eu Co Me S), which was held in Padua, Italy, on September 18–20, 2024, under the patronage of IFTo MM. It presen …
Marco Ceccarelli & Gibin Powathil: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
The two-volume set LNCS 14975 + 14976 constitutes the proceedings of the First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, AIi H 2024, which took place in Swansea, UK, in Septe …
Marco Ceccarelli & Gibin Powathil: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
The two-volume set LNCS 14975 + 14976 constitutes the proceedings of the First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, AIi H 2024, which took place in Swansea, UK, in Septe …
Amandyk Tuleshov & Assylbek Jomartov: Advances in Asian Mechanism and Machine Science
This book presents the proceedings of the 7th IFTo MM Asian Mechanisms and Machine Science Conference (Asian MMS), held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on August 28–30, 2024. It includes peer-reviewed papers …
Erwin-Christian Lovasz & Marco Ceccarelli: Mechanism Design for Robotics
This book presents the proceedings of the 6th IFTo MM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics (MEDER), held in Timişoara, Romania, 27–29 June 2024. It gathers contributions by researchers fro …