This book, by one of world’s most innovative business scholars and a pioneering philosopher of Edmund Husserl, creatively applies insights from neuroscience, philosophy of experience called “phenomenology” to highly successful and intuitive method of business management. Based on phenomenological insights, they argue that empathy and intuition are as central, if not more, to the success of business innovation or strategy as an objective and analytic approach to business thinking and practice. To clarify how intuition works and why it is so essential, this book delves into the mechanism of empathy and human consciousness and how to take advantage of it for business practice. By incorporating new understandings from neuroscience and AI research, they proposes an organizational structure and a way of strategizing to embrace human innovation in its full complexity to lead business scholars, managers, and entrepreneurs to their own success in business.
Part 1: What is so great about phenomenology?.- Chapter 1: Phenomenology is a voracious discipline.- Chapter 2: The method of eidetic intuition.- Chapter 3: “Bracketing” our prejudices.- Chapter 4: The difference between “sensations” and “perceptions” .- Chapter 5: What is the “present”? -Retentional and protentional intentionality.- Chapter 6: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and Buddhism.- Chapter 7: The Twofold Intersubjectivity.- Part 2: The essence of phenomenological management.- Chapter 8: The SECI Model: Knowledge Creation in the Cycle of Subjectivity and Objectivity.- Chapter 9: How to Foster Intersubjectivity.- Chapter 10: Methods of Collective Eidetic Intuition.- Chapter 11: Narrative Strategy.- Chapter 12: Synthesis of Phenomenology and Management Studies.
Ikujiro Nonaka is Professor Emeritus of Hitotsubashi University. He has won wide-ranging recognition for his work in developing the theory of Knowledge-based Management. He was also appointed a Xerox Distinguished Faculty Scholar of the University of California in 1997 and was elected to the Fellows Group of the Academy of Management in the United States in 2002, becoming the first Asian scholar among the Group’s members. He was Dean of the Graduate School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, from 1997 to 2000. Previously, he was Professor (1982–95) and Director (1995–98) at the Institute of Business Research, Hitotsubashi University.
Ichiro Yamaguchi is Professor Emeritus at Tōyō University in Tokyo. He taught Philosophy and Japanese in Department of Economic Science at the University of Witten-Herdecke in Germany (1990–94) and was Professor of Philosophy at Tōyō University until 2013.
Yuko Ishihara
(translator) is currently an Associate Professor at the College of
Global Liberal Arts at Ritsumeikan University. Her research interest lies in the
intersection of phenomenology and modern Japanese philosophy.