We are story-making people. We love reading stories—and we love hearing the personal stories of others. We need stories, or narratives, to make sense of our world. And those stories shape our lives. What is the story you have been told about the gospel? About God? About the Christian life? About Jesus? About the cross? About yourself? About heaven?Your answers to these questions will form a story that will determine how your life will go. The answers reveal your ability to trust, to love, to hope—and even your capacity for joy. Any story worth giving the power to shape our lives must pass a simple test: Is it beautiful, good, and true? If it is, then it is a magnificent story—and that is where transformation takes place. From James Bryan Smith, author of the bestselling book The Good and Beautiful God, comes this spiritual formation resource meant to help both individuals and groups understand the magnificent story of Christ in their lives. The field-tested material within includes spiritual practices at the end of each chapter and a group discussion guide. Uncover the true story of beauty, goodness, and truth that will satisfy the ultimate longings of your heart.
How to Get the Most Out of This Book
1. Longing for a Magnificent Story
Soul Training Exercise: Beauty
2. Falling for Shrunken Stories
Soul Training Exercise: Goodness
3. Participating in the Trinity
Soul Training Exercise: Truth
4. Bathing in Beauty
Soul Training Exercise: Sight
5. Embracing Our Goodness
Soul Training Exercise: Sound
6. Discovering the Truth
Soul Training Exercise: Smell
7. Destroying Sin, Abandonment, and Death
Soul Training Exercise: Touch
8. Making All Things New
Soul Training Exercise: Taste
9. Living in the Magnificent Way
Soul Training Exercise: Celebration
Study Guide
James Bryan Smith is the author of the Good and Beautiful Series. He is a theology professor at Friends University in Wichita, Kansas, where he also serves as the director of the Apprentice Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation. A founding member of Richard J. Foster's spiritual renewal ministry, Renovaré, Smith is an ordained United Methodist Church minister and has served in various capacities in local churches.