1. The Global Health and Fitness Industry at a Glance: Fast, Fit, Flexible, Functional, Funny, Fashionable and Fanatic; Jeroen Scheerder, Hanna Vehmas, and Kobe Helsen. – 2. T...
1. The Global Health and Fitness Industry at a Glance: Fast, Fit, Flexible, Functional, Funny, Fashionable and Fanatic; Jeroen Scheerder, Hanna Vehmas, and Kobe Helsen. – 2. The Weight of Numbers: Prevalence of Overweight, Sedentary Behaviour and Sport/Fitness Participation from a Comparative Pan-European Perspective; Jeroen Scheerder and Kobe Helsen. – 3. The (R)evolution of the Flemish Fitness Industry; Kobe Helsen, Joris Corthouts, Erik Thibaut and Jeroen Scheerder. – 4. Bulgarian Fitness Industry: Policies, Processes and Providers; Ivan Sandanski and Vassil Girginov. – 5. Current Trends in the Fitness Movement in Cyprus;
Nicos Kartakoullis, Christina Loizou, Despina Georgiadou and Mihcalis Terezopoulos. – 6. Fitness in Denmark: A Unique Combination of the Commercial and Non-profit Sectors;
Bjarne Ibsen. – 7. Engagement in Fitness Activities in England;
Andrew Spiers, Steve Osborne and Monica Li. – 8. Fitness in Finland: Department Stores of Healthy Life Styles;
Antti Laine and Hanna Vehmas. – 9. Fitness in France: A Mature Sector Looking for Growing Markets and Segments;
Guillaume Routier, Bénédicte Vignal and Guillaume Bodet. – 9. Development of the Fitness Industry in Germany;
Sören Dallmeyer, Kirstin Hallmann and Christoph Breuer. – 11. The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Private Fitness Sector in Greece;
Kostas Alexandris, Theopistos Kenanidis, Panagiota Balaska and Apostolia Ntovoli. – 12. The Shape of the Fitness Industry in Ireland;
Ann Bourke.- 13. Fitness in Italy: Body Culture, Well-being and Active Lifestyles;
Antonio Borgogni, Simone Digennaro and Giovanna Russo. – 14. The Netherlands: Growing Market, Shifting Segments;
Paul Hover and Remco Hoekman. – 15. Norwegian Fitness Industry: From Bodybuilding to a Public Health Partner;
Solfrid Bratland-Sanda, Tor Helge Vikøren Myhre and Jan Ove Tangen. – 16. A Growing Sector After the Impact of the Great Recession in Spain;
Ramon Llopis-Goig and Jorge Sánchez-Martin. – 17. Current Situation of Fitness Sport in Switzerland;
Claudia Klostermann, Markus Lamprecht, Hanspeter Stamm and Siegfried Nagel. – 18. Fitness (Related) Trends Within and between Countries: Towards a Fit (in) Europe?;
Kobe Helsen and Jeroen Scheerder. – 19. Fitness: The New Black or Even a Religion?;
Hanna Vehmas and Jeroen Scheerder.