Social Entrepreneurship is a global phenomenon that impacts the lives of citizens by using innovative approaches to solving social problems. This book offers a comprehensive examination of this growing area of research and provides an excellent introduction to social entrepreneurship theory and a framework for future research.
Introduction: J.Mair, J.Robinson & K.Hockerts PART 1: PERSPECTIVES AND AGENDA FOR RESEARCH Introduction: Setting a Research Agenda for an Emerging Field; I.Martí Three Avenues for Social Entrepreneurship Research; J.Austin Politics, Values and Social Entrepreneurship: A Critical Appraisal; A.Cho Social Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Social Change across Theory and Practice; F.Perrini & C.Vurro PART 2: OPPORTUNITIES AND INTENTIONS Introduction: Exploring the Intentions and Opportunities Behind Social Entrepreneurship; J.Mair Navigating Social and Institutional Barriers to Markets: How Social Entrepreneurs Identify and Evaluate Opportunities; J.Robinson Social Entrepreneurs: How Intentions to Create a Social Venture are Formed; J.Mair & E.Noboa PART 3: STRATEGY, STRUCTURE AND OUTCOME Introduction: Understanding the Strategy, Structure and Outcomes in Social Venture; J.Robinson Entrepreneurial Opportunity in Social Purpose Business Ventures; K.Hockerts Ownership, Mission and Environment: An Exploratory Analysis into the Strategic Orientation of Start-up Social Ventures; G.Desa & S.Kotha Social Enterprise: Beyond Economic Outcomes and Individual Returns; H.Haugh PART 4: INTEGRATING SUSTAINABILITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Introduction: Entrepreneurship – A Unique Research Field or Just ‘More of the Same’?; K.Hockerts Green-Works: A Model for Combining Social and Ecological Entrepreneurship; A.Clifford & S.E.A.Dixon Social Entrepreneurs Directly Contribute to Global Development Goals; C.Seelos, K.Ganly & J.Mair
JAMES AUSTIN Snider Professorship of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, USA ALBERT CHO Independent Researcher ANN CLIFFORD Head of Marketing and Development Department, UK-based Charity GEOFFREY DESA Doctoral Student of Technology Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management, University of Washington Business School, USA SARAH E. A. DIXON Principal Lecturer in Strategic Management, Kingston Business School, UK KATE GANLY Research Assistant, IESE Business School, Spain HELEN HAUGH Lecturer, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK SURESH KOTHA Professor of Management and Organization and Faculty Director of the Center for Technology Entrepreneurship, University of Washington Business School, USA IGNASÍ MARTÍ Doctoral Candidate of Management, IESE Business School, Spain ERNESTO NOBOA Professor, Business Policy Department, IDE Business School, Ecuador FRANCESCO PERRINI Associate Professor of Management, CSR and Sustainability Innovation, ‘Giorgio Pivato’ Management Department, Bocconi University, Italy CHRISTIAN SEELOS Malik Management Centre St. Gallen and Senior Researcher and Lecturer, IESE Business School, Spain CLODIO VURRO Ph D Student of Business Administration and Management, Bocconi University, Italy