‘John Philip Jones belongs to an elite group of intellectual adventurers searching for true meaning in an increasingly complex communication industry. Anyone involved in understanding how brands are born and nurtured should follow his work with keen interest.’
—Andy Fenning, Executive Vice President,
Director of Strategic Development,
J. Walter Thompson, New York
‘John Philip Jones is a name you know . . . . with opinions you value . . . . and updated and current information. Here is everything you need to know about advertising.’
—Don E. Schultz, President,
Agora, Inc, Northwestern University
John Philip Jones, best-selling author of What′s In a Name? Advertising and the Concept of Brands and When Ads Work: New Proof that Advertising Triggers Sales, has compiled a comprehensive guide to the 77 key organizations and publications in the field of advertising and marketing communications.
Entries are arranged alphabetically for easy access and include a thorough description of each organization′s purpose, activity, and contact information. The collection is balanced among industry trade organizations (American Association of Advertising Agencies), research organizations (Marketing Science Institute), academic organizations (American Academy of Advertising), and pro-social organizations (Partnership for a Drug-Free America)., With 27 entries from outside of the United States, the collection is global in scope. Key publications such as Ad Week, Advertising Age, and Ad Map are also included.
This resource guide is the fifth and final volume of a series edited by John Philip Jones that comprises an essential advertising library.
How Advertising Works: The Role of Research The Advertising Business How to Use Advertising to Build Strong Brands International Advertising: Realities and Myths Advertising Organizations and Publications