Assessment theory and practice forms an integral part of the knowledge and understanding required to achieve QTLS. This book is a practical guide and comprehensive introduction to this broad and complex subject area. The text includes chapters on the different types of assessment, feedback, recording, evaluation and inclusive practice and covers e-assessment. Interactive activities are included throughout to help trainees reflect on and develop their own views. This third edition includes coverage of new units of assessment for workplace assessors (TAQA).
Thinking about assessment
Diagnostic assessment, AP(E)L and ipsative assessment
Formative and summative assessment
Validity and reliability
Assessment methods
Recording and tracking assessment information
Equality or opportunity and inclusive practice
ILT and e-assessment
Jonathan Tummons is associate professor and deputy head of the School of Education at Durham University, UK. Jonathan researches, writes and teaches in a variety of fields relating to higher, further, and professional education, and his work has been consulted by qualification awarding bodies, further education colleges, medical educators, Ofsted, and the OECD.