Practice-Based Education: Perspectives and Strategies. This book draws on the collective vision, research, scholarship and experience of leading academics in the field of practice-based and professional education. It presents multiple perspectives and critical appraisals on this significant trend in higher education and examines strategies for implementing this challenging and inspiring mode of learning, teaching and curriculum development. Eighteen chapters are presented across three sections of the book: Contesting and Contextualising Practice-Based Education Practice-Based Education Pedagogy and Strategies The Future of Practice-Based Education.
Series Introduction: Practice, Education, Work and Society; Foreword; Section 1: Contesting and Contextualising Practice-Based Education; 1. Practice-based education: The practice-education-context-quality nexus; 2. A primer on practices: Theory and research; 3. Developing a critical professional identity: Engaging self in practice; 4. Social and political change: Implications for professional and practice-based university education; 5. Problematising practice-based education; Section 2: Practice-Based Education Pedagogy and Strategies; 6. Practice-based education pedagogy: Situated, capability-development, relationship practice(s); 7. Pedagogy, praxis and practice-based higher education; 8. Practice-based learning and professional education: Pursuing quality outcomes and sustainability Stephen Billett; 9. Putting different forms of knowledge to work in practice; 10. Pedagogic designs, technology and practice-based education; 11. Emerging perspectives and the challenges for workplace learning; 12. Practice-based education outside the workplace: Simulations, role plays and problem-based learning; 13. The relationship between practice, theory and research; 14. Challenges of assessment in practice-based education; 15. Interprofessional practice-based education; 16. Translating practice-based education standards into curricular strategies: A case from teacher education; 17. Revealing, sharing and expanding practical knowledge of work-integrated learning; Section 3: The Future of Practice-Based Education; 18. Practice-based education: Future possibilities; Contributors.