Russia remains among the top-5 greenhouse gas emitters in the world and thus an important player in the field of international climate politics. To gain a deeper understanding of how Russian climate politics is formed, the changing and somewhat unexpected role scientists and scientific knowledge play in shaping Russian policymaking is explored.
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations List of Figures Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Environmental and science politics in Russia Chapter 3: Russian framings of global climate change Chapter 4: Russia’s domestic politics of climate change Chapter 5: Russia in international climate politics Chapter 6: The Shared Terrain of Science and Politics Appendix 1: Anonymized overview of interviewees in interview set 1 Appendix 2: Anonymized overview of interviewees in interview set 2 Appendix 3: Chapter 3 Primary Sources from Rossiskaya Gazeta (RG) (organized by year) References?
Elana Wilson Rowe is a senior research fellow at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and adjunct professor at the University of Nordland. Her research interests include Russian foreign policy, science in international relations, comparative climate politics and Arctic affairs