Do you know Jesus? Do you think of him as your friend?
Even though I know many Christians who consider him a friend, I dont. To be honest, when I read the Gospels carefully, he unsettles mesometimes a lot. So I ask again, do you really know him? Whether believer or skeptic, many people claim they do. But is this Jesus the one we grew up hearing about, our own imagined Jesus, or the one present in the Gospels? In essays that take a fresh look at sixteen familiar stories, Kevin L. Moore seeks to engage his readers so they can reconsider some of their preconceptions about this man from Nazareth and what he expects of us. This sort of re-examination can be unsettling, but its worth the effort, since all we can ever do is follow from a distance.
In Can Any Good Come From Nazareth? New Testament scholar, Dr. Kevin L. Moore, invites us to move past the pages of Scripture and into the three-dimensional world of Jesus where the story began. In this world we understand Jesus in a new light as Moore guides us through some of the most riveting scenes in the Gospels. In writing that is accessible to all, Moore gives his readers an opportunity to reconsider what it means to follow Jesus. – Timothy F. Merrill, Executive Editor, Homiletics
Kevin L. Moore has taught in both private and public educational settings. He is also a writer and regular contributor to Homiletics and has written for various publications including Christian Reflection, published by the Center for Christian Ethics at Baylor University. His interests include making connections between the early church and modern faith as well as the intersection of religion and science. He holds a Ph D in Religious and Theological Studies from the University of Denver and Iliff School of Theology.
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