The Association for Science Education Book Award 2016, Finalist.
Science in the early years is about more than developing understanding of key scientific concepts, it is about encouraging imagination, creativity and curiosity and nurturing key scientific skills to form a firm base for learning. Understanding how best to do this for young children aged 3-7 is the focus of the book.
By concentrating on practical and naturally occurring experiences the authors look at meeting the needs of the curriculum with children at the centre of their own learning.
Chapters look at how to work with children to:
- Find out and develop their own ideas
- Get them inquiring scientifically
- Use evidence to support their views
This book will really help develop the whole child across the curriculum and make sure they have the skills they need for later learning.
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
CHAPTER 2: The Nature of Early Years Science
CHAPTER 3: Finding Out Children′s Ideas
CHAPTER 4: Developing Conceptual Understanding in Science
CHAPTER 5: Working Scientifically and Developing Science Inquiry Skills
CHAPTER 6: Encouraging the Expression of Ideas
CHAPTER 7: The Uses of Technology to Support Learning
CHAPTER 8: Planning, Assessment and Record Keeping
Terry Russell is emeritus professor at the University of Liverpool. He is a psychologist by background and training with a special interest in cognitive development as applied to the learning of science at all ages, but especially the younger age range. He taught in primary and secondary special needs schools and worked as an educational psychologist before finding opportunities into move into research. He has worked in Southeast Asia and Africa and at King’s College, London and directed the Centre for Research in Primary Science and Technology at the University of Liverpool for over twenty years. He has directed national and international projects and published extensively. This book reflects his commitment to evidence-based activity that improves teachers’ and pupils’ educational experiences, where theory informs practice through practical and accessible applications.