i Pads, mobile phones, tablets and many other digital devices feature in the lives of children from the moment they are born, but what is the place of these technologies in children’s early years and learning experiences?
In the age of the ‘Techno-Tot’ this edited collection focuses on exploring the potential of what children can do with technologies, rather than what technologies can do for children.
With chapters written by a range of international authors, this book:
- offers an evidence-based discussion of children’s experiences with technologies in early years education
- broadens our understanding of technologies in early years, beyond the typical focus on screen-based media
- details the child’s ‘story’ with technology
- offers a range of case studies from the UK, USA, Australia and Europe.
Lorna Arnott will be discussing key ideas from Digital Technologies and Learning in the Early Years in the SAGE Early Years Masterclass, a free professional development experience hosted by Kathy Brodie.
Part 1: The Early Years Technological Landscape
Chapter 1: Framing Technological Experiences in the Early Years – Lorna Arnott
Chapter 2: Children’s Technological Learning Journeys – Eleni Karagiannidou
Chapter 3: Re-imagining Play with New Technologies – Nicola Yelland and Caja Gilbert
Part 2: Children’s Technological Experiences
Chapter 4: Creative and Dramatic Play with Technologies – Lorna Arnott, Pauline Duncan and Deirdre Grogan
Chapter 5: Technology in Outdoor Play – Kelly Johnston and Kate Highfield
Chapter 6: Young Children Developing Literacy and Numeracy Skills with Technology – Rachael Levy and Nathalie Sinclair
Chapter 7: Under 3s and Technology – Jane O’Connor
Part 3 – Supporting Playful Pedagogies with Technologies
Chapter 8: Children′s Responses to Working and Non-Working Digital technologies – Jo Bird
Chapter 9: Digital Pedagogy: How teachers Support Digital Play in the Early Years – Marilyn Fleer
Chapter 10: Technologies, Child-Centred Practice and Listening to Children – Susan Danby
Lorna Arnott is a Senior Lecturer and Director of Early Years in the School of Education, University of Strathclyde. Lorna’s main area of interest is in children’s early play experiences particularly in relation to technologies, social and creative play. She also has a keen interest in research methodologies, with a specialist focus on consulting with children and methods derived from pedagogy. Lorna is the convener for the Digital Childhoods, STEM and Multimodality Special Interest Group as part of the European Early Childhood Educational Research Association and is the Deputy Editor for the International Journal of Early Years Education and Assistant Editor for the Journal of Early Childhood Research.