This edited collection brings together academics, practitioners, activists, parents and young people to explore the nature and causes of parent–carer blame. It interrogates its prevalence, impact and potential pathways for reform.
1. Introduction – Luke Clements and Ana Laura Aiello
2. Recurring Themes: parent blame and systems generated trauma – Luke Clements and Ana Laura Aiello
3. Parent Blame and Complex Trauma – Peter Baker, Linda Hume and Vivien Cooper
4. Parent Blame in Education: working together to find solutions to school attendance difficulties – Louise Parker Engels
5. That woman! – Verity Laws (pseudonym)
6. Fabricated or Induced Illness: The controversial history, missing evidence-base and iatrogenic harm – Andy Bilson, Alessandro Talia, Taliah Drayak, Mary Margaret (pseudonym), Sarah Smith (pseudonym) and Michelle Spence
7. Managing the data: allegations that parents are fabricating or inducing their child’s illness – Luke Clements, Ana Laura Aiello, Derek Tilley and David Laurence
8. Child Protection and the Experiences of Autistic Parents Accused of Fabricated or Induced Illness – Cathleen Long, Rachel Gavin and Esther Whitney
9. A sibling perspective on FII – Kaydence Drayak
10. Parent Blame and the NHS – Amy (pseudonym)
11. Forging an Alliance – Lucy Fullard
12. Conclusions: The Way Forward – Luke Clements, Ana Laura Aiello, Louise Arnold and Lucy Fullard
Luke Clements is Chair in Law and Social Justice at the University of Leeds.
Ana Laura Aiello is Research Assistant in Law & Social Justice at the University of Leeds.