A fun, friendly first step in helping prepare primary-aged children to testify in criminal cases involving abuse, this book has already been used by victim/witness professionals, child advocates, therapist, school counselors, and even parents in hundreds of cases across the United States. It is an invaluable aid to the practitioner who must prepare a child giving testimony in court, helping the child be more comfortable about testifying and be a more effective witness.
Introduction for Parents
What Is Court and Why Am I Here?
Who Are All the People in Court?
What Will Happen to Me in Court?
What Will I Be Asked in Court?
What Will Happen When I Am Done with Court?
Will I Find Out What Happens after Court?
Will You Say This All One More Time?
In My Court
Several years ago I made some huge life changes. Although I was successful as a psychologist and owner of a mental health/alcohol and drug treatment clinic, my life was out of balance. I worked hard to build the business and to help others heal, but I didn’t pay attention to myself. I found that I was alienated from myself and from those I cared about the most. I found myself thinking about the future, and I realized that I was postponing living for being successful. I decided to make changes.
That was the first step in an adventure that has been exciting and that I’m thoroughly enjoying. I moved across country to East Tennessee, and started up again, eventually building two new successful businesses.
I own Inner Resource Center, LLC and specialize helping people transform their lives and businesses. Trained as a psychologist, I’ve worked for more than 33 years helping people change.
As a life coach, psychologist and trainer, I help my clients uncover their special talents and gifts (their internal and external resources) to utilize in creating a MAGNIFICENT LIFE. I believe that all people carry within themselves the capacity for living a truly fulfilling life, and that we all have within ourselves resources and capabilities for solving our life’s challenges. It is from this belief that The Inner Resource Center was born.