New standards of corporate behaviour have been established in developed countries, obliging them to record information about the ‘triple bottom line’ in their annual reports. Corporations, especially multinational companies, have had to develop new strategic orientations. Research on social, environmental and overall ethical behaviour of companies has been developed. The concept of stakeholder has simultaneously gained a kind of ‘metaphoric evidence’. The book comments on the American theoretical foundations of the notion of Corporate Social Responsibility, and more specifically, the concept of the stakeholder, and it defines a European perspective.
From Government to Governance; M.Bonnafous-Boucher An ‘Anglo-American’ Model of CSR?; Y.Pesqueux A Liberal Critique of the Corporation as Stakeholders; H.Mesure Stakeholder Theory and Normative Approaches; P.Kletz Institutional Roots of Stakeholder Interactions; S.Yamak Faceless Figures: Is a Socially Responsible Decision Possible?; J-L.Moriceau A Stakeholders Perspective of Human Resource Management; M.Ferrary From Power to Knowledge Relationships: Stakeholder Interactions as Learning Partnership; E.P.Antonacopoulou & J.Meric Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholders: Measuring or Discussing?; D.Bessire Social Rating: Performance Measurement or Social Mediation?; F.Quairel
ELENA ANTONACOPOULOU Professor of Organizational Behaviour, University of Liverpool Management School, UK DOMINIQUE BESSIRE Professor, University of Orléans, France MICHEL FERRARY Professor of Management and Human Resources, Ceram Sophia Antipolis Graduate School of Business, France PIERRE KLETZ Associate Professor, University François Rabelais, Tours, France JÉRÔME MERIC Maître de Conférences, Institut d’Administration des Entreprises, University François Rabelais, Tours, France HERVÉ MESURE Associate Professor, Rouen School of Management, France JEAN-LUC MORICEAU Lecturer, Institut National des Télécommunications, France FRANÇOISE QUAIREL Associate Professor, Paris Dauphine University, France SIBEL YAMAK Associate Professor of Management, Galatasaray University, Turkey