This edited volume has been compiled in honour of Professor Merrill Swain, one of the most prominent scholars in the field of second language acquisition (SLA) and second language (L2) education. For over four decades, her work has contributed substantially to the knowledge base of the field of applied linguistics, and her ideas have had a significant influence in a range of subfields, including immersion education, mainstream SLA, and sociocultural theory and SLA. The range of topics covered in the book reflects the breadth and depth of Swain’s contributions, expertise and interests. The volume is divided into four parts: immersion education, languaging, sociocultural perspectives on L2 teaching and learning, and developments in language as social action.
Preface: Jim Lantolf
Introduction: Mari Haneda & Hossein Nassaji
PART I: Immersion Education
Roy Lyster: Pushing French Immersion Forward Tara W. Fortune & Diane J. Tedick: Context Matters: Translanguaging and Language Immersion Education in the US and Canada Siv Björklund: Research Trends and Future Challenges in Swedish Immersion
PART II: Languaging
Yuko Watanabe: The Role of Languaging in Collaborative and Individual Writing: When Pairs Outperform Individuals Tae-Young Kim: The Effect of Languaging on Students’ L2 Learning Motivation: A Classroom-based Approach Rémi A. van Compernolle and Celester Kinginger: Second Language Concept-based Pragmatics Instruction: The Role of Languaging
PART III. Sociocultural Perspectives on Second Language Teaching and Learning
Hossein Nassaji: Collaborative Output: A Review of Theory and Research Próspero N. García: Promoting L2 In-service Teachers’ Conceptual Development through Collaborative Dialogue Sharon Lapkin: Languaging in a Gerontological Context: From Conception to Realization Linda Steinman: Mentorship as Mediation: Appreciation of Merrill Swain
PART IV: Issues and Developments in Language as Social Action
Elaine Tarone: Language Play and Double Voicing in Second Language Acquisition and Use Patricia Duff: Monolingual Versus Multilingual Language Use in Language Classrooms: Contested and Mediated Social and Linguistic Practice Mari Haneda, Brandon Sherman and Annela Teemant: Assisted Performance Through Instructional Coaching: A Critical Sociocultural Perspective. Joan Kelly Hall: An EMCA Approach to Capturing the Specialized Work of L2 Teaching: A Research Proposal
Conclusion: Hossein Nassaji and Mari Haneda
Afterword: G. Richard Tucker
Hossein Nassaji is a Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Victoria, Canada. His research interests include SLA, corrective feedback, form-focused instruction, task-based teaching and classroom discourse.