Dealing with the dynamics of identification and conflict, this book uses theoretical orientations ranging from political ecology to rational choice theory, interpretive approaches, Marxism and multiscalar analysis. Case studies set in Africa, Europe and Central Asia are grouped in three sections devoted to pastoralism, identity and migration. What connects all of these anthropological explorations is a close focus on processes of identification and conflict at the level of particular actors in relation to the behaviour of large aggregates of people and to systemic conditions.
List of Illustrations
Introduction: Approaching the Dynamics of Identification and Conflict through the Anthropology of Günther Schlee
John R. Eidson, Echi Christina Gabbert and Markus Virgil Hoehne
Part I: Pastoralists and Others: Identity, Territoriality, History and Politics
Chapter 1. What Do (Pastoralist) Women Want? Warfare, Cowardice and Sexuality in
Northern Kenya
Bilinda Straight
Chapter 2. Negotiating Complexity in East Africa: Landscape, Territoriality and Identity Among Maa-speakers, North to South
John G. Galaty
Chapter 3. Where Do They Belong and What Belongs to Them? Acceptance of ‘Sedentarizing’ Fulɓe and Rejection of Arab Returnees in Blue Nile State and Sennar State, Sudan
Elhadi Ibrahim Osman and Al-Amin Abu-Manga
Chapter 4. Ethnicity, Identity and Citizenship of Recent Migrant Groups in Ghana
Steve Tonah
Chapter 5. Studying Conflict and Ethnicity Through Performative and Audio-Visual Research Methods: Examples from Cameroon
Michaela Pelican
Part II: Conflict and Identification, Interests and Integration
Chapter 6. The Topography of Terrorism: Between Local Conflicts and Global Jihad
Sophie Roche
Chapter 7. Politics of Belonging and the Litmus Test of Retaliation
Bertram Turner
Chapter 8. Heroes and Identities: Relativism, Myth and Reality
Aleksandar Bošković
Chapter 9. “Košta akwa” – What an Italian Pidgin Poem from Tigray Tells About Self-Image, Resistance and Conflict
Wolbert G.C. Smidt
Chapter 10. Integration Through Conflict: The Proliferation of Mutually Constituted Sacred Narratives in the Process of State (Re-)Formation in Ethiopia
Dereje Feyissa
Chapter 11. ‘A Dimpled Spider, Fat and White’: U.S. Exceptionalism and the Accumulation of Terror
Steve Reyna
Part III: Migration and Exclusion, Displacement and Emplacement
Chapter 12. ‘The Challenges of Migration, Integration and Exclusion’: Günther Schlee’s Commitment to the Max Planck Wi Mi Initiative (2017-2020)
Marie-Claire Foblets and Zeynep Yanasmayan
Chapter 13. Dilemmas of Identification: The Trader’s Dilemma Among Khorezmians in Tashkent
Rano Turaeva
Chapter 14. Is Migrating a Rational Decision? Motives and Procedures of Qazaq Repatriation
Peter Finke
Chapter 15. Transnational Communities and Shifting Moral Values: Migrants Between the Netherlands and the Moluccas
Keebet von Benda-Beckmann
Chapter 16. Multiscalar Social Relations of Dispossession and Emplacement
Nina Glick Schiller
Epilogue: Emancipatory Cosmopolitanism or Global Neighbourhood?
John R. Eidson, Echi Christina Gabbert, and Markus Virgil Hoehne
Biographic Interview with Günther Schlee
Markus Virgil Hoehne
Afterword: Charisma: Ethnographers and Their Host Societies
Ivo Strecker
To Günther Schlee, with Thanks …
Abdullahi A. Shongolo
Published Works by Günther Schlee
compiled by Viktoria Giehler-Zeng
John R. Eidson is a social anthropologist who retired in 2020 after teaching at the University of Maryland, the University of Leipzig and the University of New Hampshire and serving as Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. He continues with his research as an independent scholar.