A lifespan approach presenting evidence-informed
interventions for working with individuals and families
Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families covers
assessment of and intervention with children, adolescents, adults,
the elderly, and families. It offers an array of pedagogical
features within each chapter, as well as online resources and
review questions at the conclusion of each chapter to help guide
critical thinking about topics.
Reflecting the current state of evidence-informed social work
practice, each chapter’s contributors emphasize the incorporation
of wider forms of systematically collected data such as case
studies, best or promising practices, and consumer-focused data.
Reading this book will not only give readers the tools to work
effectively with individuals and families, but also develop their
skills in evidence informed practice.
Comprehensive and insightful, Social Work Practice with
Individuals and Families is a student- and
practitioner-friendly text identifying the best assessment tools
and strategies available for social workers to successfully serve
individuals and families facing a broad range of challenges.
Chapter 1: Assessment of Children
Michael E. Woolley
Chapter 2: Intervention with Children
Mary C. Ruffolo and Paula Allen-Meares
Chapter 3: Assessment of Adolescents
David W. Springer and Tara M. Powell
Chapter 4: Intervention with Adolescents
Craig Winston Le Croy and Lela Rankin Williams
Chapter 5: Assessment of Adults
Elaine Congress
Chapter 6: Intervention with Adults
Bruce A. Thyer
Chapter 7: Assessment of the Elderly
Gregory J. Paveza
Chapter 8: Intervention with the Elderly
Michael J. Holosko, Jeffrey F. Skinner, Catherine A.
Patterson & Kimberly Brisbois
Chapter 9: Assessment of Families
Robyn Munford and Jackie Sanders
Chapter 10: Intervention with Families
Cynthia Franklin, Catheleen Jordan, and Laura Hopson
MICHAEL J. HOLOSKO, Ph D, MSW, is the Pauline M.
Berger Professor of Family and Child Welfare at the University of
Georgia, School of Social Work. He has taught across the
undergraduate and graduate curriculum in schools of social work,
nursing, public administration, and applied social science in
Canada, the United States, Hong Kong, Sweden, Australia, and the
U.S. Virgin Islands.
CATHERINE N. DULMUS, Ph D, LCSW, is Professor, Associate
Dean for Research, and Director of the Buffalo Center for Social
Research in the School of Social Work at the University at Buffalo,
SUNY, and Research Director at Hillside Family of Agencies in
Rochester, New York.
KAREN M. SOWERS, Ph D, is Dean and Beaman Professor in the
College of Social Work at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Her research interests include juvenile justice, sexuality, social
work education, child welfare, evidence-based practice, and
international social work practice.