Moving beyond terror groups to examine non-state actors including warlords, gangs and private security companies, Violent Non-State Actors:
- Guides you through the core theories and concepts, taking a multidisciplinary approach
- Examines different explanations for the emergence of violent non-state actors as well as strategies for dealing with them
- Weaves in international case studies from groups including the Islamic State, Los Zetas, Hamas, and Al Qaeda, as well as discussion questions, further reading and definitions of key terms
A must read for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students in politics, international relations, security and terrorism studies.
Part I: Theories and Concepts
Chapter 1: Understanding Past Approaches to International Security
Chapter 2: Understanding Violence and Non-Conventional Warfare
Part II: Explanations of Violent Non-State Actors
Chapter 3: Global Explanations
Chapter 4: State-level Explanations
Chapter 5: Individual-level Explanations
Part III: Types of Violent Non-state Actors
Chapter 6: Insurgencies
Chapter 7: Global Terror Networks and Terror Organizations
Chapter 8: Warlords and Marauders
Chapter 9: Organized Crime and Gangs
Chapter 10: Privatized Security Companies and Para-military groups
Part IV: Dealing with Violent Non-state Actors
Chapter 11: Moderation and Politicization
Chapter 12: Strategies and Exit