Constructive Work with Offenders offers a challenge to many of the assumptions of criminal justice policy and the dominant approaches to practice.
The contributors advocate an emphasis on constructive work with offenders that harnesses their positive strengths and resources, and offers inclusive approaches to effective offender assessment and intervention. Taking a fresh look at much received knowledge, they proclaim that constructive work with offenders is both possible and increasingly warranted, and encourage practitioners to develop new skills and adapt existing expertise to the rapidly changing requirements of the criminal justice system.
This book will be of interest to practitioners, trainers, managers, and researchers in the criminal justice system, as well as academics and students in the field of criminology and related disciplines.
Acknowledgements. Contributors. Prologue, Jeremy Cameron. 1. Constructive Work with `Offenders’: Setting the Scene, Kevin Gorman, Patrick O’Byrne and Nigel Parton. 2. Collaborative and Constructive Frontline Practice with Offenders in a Climate of `Tough Love’ and `Third Way’ Politics, Bill Jordan. 3. The Offender as Citizen: Socially Inclusive Strategies for Working with Offenders Within the Community, Marilyn Gregory. 4. Constructing Safety: A Collaborative Approach to Managing Risk and Building Responsibility, Michelle Hayles. 5. The Constructive Use of Courtroom Skills and Enforcement to Achieve Client Co-operation and Change, Geoff Kenure. 6. Constructing a Convincing Narrative: The Art of Persuasive Storytelling within the Tight Constraints of Formal Pre-sentence Assessments for the Criminal Courts, Kevin Gorman. 7. Dangerous Constructions: Black Offenders in the Criminal Justice System, Lena Dominelli. 8. Constructive Work with Women Offenders – A Probation in Prison Perspective, Sue Carless. 9. Constructive Work with Male Sex Offenders: Male Forms of Life, Language Games and Change, Malcolm Cowburn. 10. Dispensing With Justice: Young People’s Views of the Criminal Justice System, Monica Barry. 11. Offenders `R’ Us, Marilyn Gregory with Kevin Gorman, Michelle Hayles and Nigel Parton. Epilogue, Jeremy Cameron. Index.