With the explosion of the Intelligent Design movement, many Americans are once again forced to take sides in the long-standing battle between creation and evolution. Yet many feel inadequately educated on the judicial process of this battle.
In Creation and the Courts, Norman Geisler offers a behind-the-scenes look at the testimonies and arguments of the prosecution and defense of the major creation versus evolution court battles. Geisler offers a compelling look at the erosion of Christian influence in America's public schools. Creation and the Courts encourages readers to learn from the past judicial fights and to take their rightful places in the battle. These conflicts in today's classrooms and courtrooms must continue to be fought, and anyone willing to be a soldier must be equipped with the knowledge found in this book.
Norman L. Geisler (1932–2019) cofounded Southern Evangelical Seminary and wrote over one hundred books, including his four-volume Systematic Theology. He taught at the university and graduate levels for nearly forty years and spoke at conferences worldwide.