Everyone knows that in order to succeed in your home based business or your network marketing opportunity, you have to have a game plan.Going into Internet marketing without a game plan is like crossing a busy road with your eyes closed hoping to cross over safely. If you think that successful marketers get to where they are without careful planning then you are probably living in a dream world lacking any sense of realism.This is even more pertinent considering that home business strategies has evolved tremendously since the 70’s and in the 21st century where the entire playing field is leveled (which is good for newcomers) but extremely devastating to those who do not anticipate changes.
语言 英语 ● 格式 PDF ● ISBN 9786050462036 ● 文件大小 0.7 MB ● 出版者 Ouvrage Collectif ● 发布时间 2016 ● 下载 24 个月 ● 货币 EUR ● ID 5111927 ● 复制保护 社会DRM