Assured by the FDA that the most widely used IUD in Europe was approved for use here, he continued using it for two years while the FDA and DOJ tracked his every move to build a case against him for using the device. Singh knew nothing about this until a team of armed agents raided his office and expelled undressed female patients from their exam rooms. The FDA then fabricated documents, destroyed and suppressed evidence, intimidated witnesses, and coerced him into signing a plea deal by threatening to imprison his wife, as well, giving him two hours to sign it…or else.
Singh has since learned how widespread corruption in our criminal justice system is, with prosecutors who will lie and incarcerate innocent citizens without due process, to further their careers.
Singh provides exhibits with irrefutable evidence to prove his claims and cites various laws and books by top-level insiders to show how laws were broken by corrupt prosecutors whose only objective was to further their careers.
Guilty at Gunpoint with this companion Guide, The Death of the Rule of Law should be required reading for every law student and anyone interested in the way justice is administered in the United States.
1. My Opening Statement Before the People’s Court 13
Case Background 13
Government Corruption, Prosecutorial and
Judicial Misconduct 17
2. The Story Leading up to My Conviction 27
The FDA and Big Pharma’s Incestuous Relationship 27
Medical Board Investigation and Decision 41
March 28, 2012 – FDA Raids My Office 49
Facing the Wrath of My Patients 72
FDA Urges Medical Board to Reopen the Case 83
Medical Board Files Charges 83
Review of FDA’s Discovery Documents 85
August, 2014: Medical Board Hearing 100
September 5, 2014: Accepting Medical
Board’s Decision 108
3. Guilty at Gunpoint 115
Mounting Threats of Arrest and Indictment 115
My Conference Call with a Former Prosecutor 137
Federal Government – A Story of Sodom
and Gomorrah 154
My Inner Turmoil Leading up to the Court Date 172
August 24, 2015: Pleading Guilty Under the Gun 176
4. Moving Forward – Into the Sink of Debauchery 189
Fraudulent Alteration of My “Personal Statement” 189
The Probation Department’s Showbiz –
Cut-and-Paste Reports 194
Defense’s Pretenses Personified – Complicity with
Government Crimes 197
Defense Attorney’s Pre-Sentence Report 201
March 7, 2016: Prison Sentence 212
Two Sets of Rules 220
Final Thoughts 227
5. Applicable Law – Government’s Criminal
Misconduct 229
Brady Violations: Withholding Exculpatory Evidence 230
Omissions & Concealments: Mishandling,
Mistreating, and Destroying Evidence 237
Criminal Conspiracy, Collusion, False Statements,
and Cover-ups 239
Fabrication of Evidence, Perjury, Forgery, and Fraud 242
Misrepresentation: Fraudulent Inducement of
Patients and Witnesses 247
Fraud on the Court 251
Probation Department’s Dereliction of Duty 260
Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct 263
Witness Tampering: Obstruction of Justice 273
The Due Process of Law: American-Style “Justice” 277
The Burden of Proof: The “Evidence” 283
False Statements to the Media to Arouse
Public Indignation 287
Fraudulently Induced “Restitution” and Civil Suits 294
“Mail Fraud Statute”: Archaic Laws Vaguely
and Corruptly Employed 304
Violations of U.N. Charter, International
Conventions, Human Rights and
the International Court of Justice 308
Acknowledgements 317
Resource List 319