When Peter Calvert gathered a small group of meditators and set them the task of opening their minds to whoever arrived, he didn’t anticipate the astonishing encounters that would result. Two situation rapidly emerged.
The first was that the meditators discovered a small percentage of people become confused after death. Lost in a transitional zone, they need guidance to move on to the next phase of their existence. This book offers a selection from the many rescues the meditators performed.
The second situation was profoundly troubling. In a series of vexed visits, nature spirits pleaded with the meditators to share an urgent message with humanity regarding the dire state of the planet’s ecosystems, which have reached a point of crisis.
Spirits have long been viewed as meddling or dangerous. People of the Earth shows this assumption is incorrect. The book offers a new perspective on spirits, indicating their diversity, their differing functions and perspectives, and suggests how they may be categorised.
Through a sequence of intriguing dialogues between the meditators and visiting non-embodied beings, People of the Earth provides sobering insights to those who seek to understand what is required of us spiritually to sustain the health of the planet’s ecosystems.
Exploring the Extra-Normal
An evening of soul rescues
Rescues and an endorsement
An alien encounter
The flower tickler
A New Year Eve’s visit
Categories of elementals
Two elementals and a traveller
Rescues, a rejection and moving on
A rock elemental and advice
Meeting a deva on Maungatautari
A tranquil being and an imposter
The observer of humanity
A moss minder and a farm supervisor
Human beings’ alternative sensory apparatus
A model of agapéic space
The model of agapéic frequency
When a meditator enters agapéic space
Varieties of identity on the agapéic scale
Dao-consciousness, nodes and fragments