Discover how healthy buildings, culture, and people lead to high profits
Organizations and employees now spend an average of $18, 000 per year per employee for health costs, a 61% increase in 10 years. Every indicator projects these costs will double before 2030. This is an unsustainable path. These costs are the tip to an even bigger iceberg, the hidden costs of time out of the office, distraction, disengagement, and turnover. The Healthy Workplace Nudge explains the findings of research on 100 large organizations that have tackled the problems of employee health costs and disengagement in five fresh ways:
* Well-being leads to health and high performance
* Wake up to the fact that 95% of traditional wellness programs fail to improve health or lower costs
* Behavioral economics has become a new powerful tool to nudge healthy behavior
* Healthy buildings are now cost effective and produce your strongest ROI to improving health
* Leaders who develop healthy cultures achieve sustainable high performance and employee wellbeing
In addition to proving highly effective, these approaches represent a fraction of the cost sunk into traditional wellness and engagement programs. The book explains how to create a workplace that is good for people, releases them to what they do best and enjoy most, and produces great and profitable work.
* Find actionable strategies and tactics you can put into use today
* Retain happy, productive talent
* Cut unnecessary spending and boost your bottom line
* Benefit from real-world research and proven practice
If you’re a leader who cares about the health and happiness of your employees, a human resource professional, or a professional who develops, designs, builds, or outfits workplace environments to improve employee health and wellbeing, this is one book you’ll want to have on hand.
Foreword xiii
Acknowledgments xv
About the Authors xix
Introduction: The Elephant Whisperer 1
Part I Slow-moving Storm: a History Of Warnings and Apathy 15
Chapter 1 A Slow-Moving Storm: The Existential Threat to Business and the Economy 17
Chapter 2 The Rainbow in the Storm: Medical Science Meets Building Science 30
Chapter 3 Storm Damage: The Cost of Forgetting 42
Chapter 4 Stress: Portrait of a Killer 53
Part II Is There Shelter From the Storm? a Search for Wellness 65
Chapter 5 In Search of Wholeness 67
Chapter 6 Why Happiness Before Health 78
Chapter 7 Where’s the Data? Inconvenient Truths 92
Chapter 8 The Mystery of Hospitality: Experiencing the Human Touch 109
Part III Magical Nudges: the Road To Health and Well-being 125
Chapter 9 Nudge Thinking: How Small Things Lead to Big Results 127
Chapter 10 The Healthy Building Nudge: The Invisible Power of the Workplace 141
Chapter 11 The Financial Nudge: The Return on Humans (ROH) 157
Chapter 12 Becoming Your Best Self: Rest, Engagement, Boundaries, and Deep Work 169
Part IV Haven in a Heartless World: the Need for Safe Places 183
Chapter 13 How They Did It: Creating Ecosystems of Care 185
Chapter 14 Courageous Leaders and a Culture of Care 201
Chapter 15 The Me TEOR Story: Extreme Ownership 216
Chapter 16 Starting a Movement: How Second-Chair Leadership Can Change a Company 227
Chapter 17 Haven in a Heartless World: The Promise of a Good Workplace 245
Appendix A The Well Mind Shift Core Team 256
Appendix B Well Mind Shift Participants 263
Appendix C Personal Story Template 267
Notes 269
Index 279
REX MILLER is the principal and thought leader for Mind SHIFT, a future-focused consultancy and organizational performance firm. He has won international awards for innovation and works with many top industry leaders. He develops thought leaders who become market leaders.
PHILLIP WILLIAMS is the President of Commercial Business Development at Delos and directs the business development of health and well-being services and solutions for the commercial real estate market sector.
DR. MICHAEL O’NEILL is Director of the Global Workplace Research, Workplace Strategy, and Market Insights teams for Haworth, Inc.