In 1920 Rudolf Steiner had already foreseen that the future imperialism would be economic rather than military or nationalistic. In these three lectures he describes the history of imperialism from ancient times to the present and into the future. The anglo-american would play an increasingly important role in future developments, so the English visitors who attended must have been especially attentive.
These lectures are the 16th, 17th and 18th of 18 lectures in the lecture series entitled, Spiritual and Social Transformations in Human Evolution, published in German as, Geistige und Soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsenticklungen. They were given by Rudolf Steiner on February 20-22 1920, at Dornach, Switzerland. From Gasumptausgabe (collected works) #196.
James D. Stewart is the e.Librarian at the Rudolf Steiner Archive & e.Lib: an electronic Library offering the collected works the the Austrian philosopher, Rudolf Steiner. These include, 28 books, several hundred articles and essays, and over 6700 lectures. After attending Ohio University, Wayne State University, and the University of Michigan, Mr. Stewart has been principally involved with computers and information systems, Marine Tropical Fish husbandry, music, teaching and instruction, libraries, and Anthroposophy. Studies were in Music, Psychology, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Biblical Studies.