In Understanding Psychological Bonds between Individuals and Organizations the author integrates different theoretical perspectives on how individuals form deep, meaningful, and self-defining relationships with their employing organization and proposes a novel and comprehensive take on key triggers and processes associated with such relationships.
List of Tables List of Figures Foreword; M.R.Edwards Preface Abbreviations and Symbols Introduction Psychological Bonds in Organizations Methodical Issues The Impact of Organizational Identification The Coalescence Model of Organizational Identification Common Method Variance Analysis of Structural Models Discussing the Structural Models Conclusion References Appendices Index
SEBASTIAN FUCHS is a Senior Lecturer in Organizational Psychology and Human Resource Management (HRM) at Middlesex University, UK and researches issues surrounding the employee-organization relationship. This includes the notions of organizational identification and commitment, employee performance, justice concerns at the workplace, organizational identity matters, employee perceptions of support and appreciation, and the management of change initiatives. He holds a Ph D in Organizational Psychology from King’s College London, an MSc in HRM from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a BA in HRM and Marketing from Middlesex University.