This definitive collection of essays from ‘Refugee Watch’ is a comprehensive study of human displacement, covering many regions, addressing differing causes of refugee crises, and providing analysis on guiding principles, human rights and women’s rights. ‘Refugee Watch’, in its decade-long 30-volume journey, has sought to capture the agony, tension and struggle of the refugees and internally displaced in South Asia in its different dimensions. The present Selections are a sincere attempt to grasp the multi-dimensionality of the journal within two covers.
Acronyms and Abbreviations; Foreword by Ranabir Samaddar; Preface; Ethical Issues; Laws; South Asia; India; Gender; Interview/Correspondence; Representations; Index
Dr Sibaji Pratim Basu teaches Political Science at Sree Chaitanya College, Calcutta University. A regular contributor to academic journals/books as well as popular dailies, periodicals and news channels, he specializes in modern Indian political thought.