National Director of Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), Stuart is described in Baroness Cox’s biography as ‘larger than life in every respect … a combination of ex-RAF, ex-British Intelligence and Assemblies of God pastor’. A former Barnardo’s boy, Stuart has been involved in extraordinary adventures from delivering aid under shell fire in Nagorno Karabakh to redeeming slaves in Sudan. Along the way he has met and helped many of the heroes of today’s persecuted church. His story is laced with examples of God’s miraculous provision and protection and his purpose in telling it is to show what God can do when ordinary Christians are obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading. This is basically one Boys’ Own adventure after another. Stuart’s wholehearted enthusiasm for life, his passion for the underdog, and his abiding faith in the Almighty have led him into dozens of scary encounters and impossible situations.
Foreword by Jonathan Aitken 9
1. Into the Blizzard 11
2. Barnardo’s Boy 30
3. On Her Majesty’s Service 40
4. God’s Call 57
5. A Ministry in Film 67
6. To Moscow on a Prayer 76
7. Down from the Mountain 90
8. Christian Solidarity 102
9. Return to Nagorno Karabakh 114
10. The Martyrs of Iran 127
11. The Lost Children of Russia 139
12. A Plea from Mongolia 155
13. A Prayer for Burma 165
14. Death in Lahore 176
15. The Burning of Shanti Nagar 189
16. The Russian in Dhaka Jail 205
17. Civil War in Sudan 213
18. Haggling for Slaves 232
19. Nigeria: the Advance of Islam 249
20. Adventure of Faith 266
Appendix 1:
The Testimony of Revd Mehdi Dibaj 278
Appendix 2:
Christian Solidarity Worldwide 282
Acknowledgments 284
Notes 286