This book shows managers how they can identify their stakeholders and cooperate with them in a mutually successful and satisfying way. It includes numerous examples from case studies and international firms, illustrating the stepping stones to a comprehensive stakeholder management.
INTRODUCTION WHY PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONLY ONE BASKET? An Appeal for a Comprehensive View of Management The Early Birds in Stakeholder Thinking The Era of Shareholder Value Fanatics Stakeholder Management – a New Horizon Triggers for a Stakeholder Orientation After the Wake-up Call Nothing is as it Was Business Partners Rock the Boat Stakeholder Traditionalists WHO ARE MY FELLOW STAKEHOLDERS? Shareholders are Everything The Grand Design Model Basics of Stakeholderism Stakeholder Management at Stake Stakeholders Mapping A Ladder to Stakeholder Potential Stakeholders – Your Co-strategists Enhancing Benefit or Reducing Risk Potentials The Magic Triangle Impact on Strategy Let’s Talk About it Shareholder Dice Game SHAREHOLDERS ARE ALSO STAKEHOLDERS Can I Have Your Watch? How to Regulate the Conflict Between Shareholder and Management – a Rocky Relation The Pay Back Investing in the Future Shareholder Engagement Pension Funds as Global Investors Trend to Collaboration GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS No Two Alike Treating Them Right Customer Impact Learning Lessons Listening to the Right Customers In Search of Lead Users EMPLOYEES AS KNOWLEDGE PARTNERS The Who is Who of Employees The Appeal of Your Company Employees at Risk Zero Size Using the Knowledge of Employees Kinds of Knowledge Refining Knowledge Other Important Core Stakeholders THE STRATECIG CORE OF YOUR STAKEHOLDERS Strategic Success Explained Race for Resources Intangible Resources Stakeholder Contribution Stakeholders as Sources of Resources Trading Core Competences? The ‘Licence to Innovate’ THE SPIDER IN THE WEB Networking Agents Provocateurs Positioning Multi-functionality The ‘Licence to Compete’ THE DEMANDS OF SOCIETY The ‘Licence to Operate’ Societal Expectations Laws or Soft Laws, That is the Question The Corporation as Global Institution Interest Groups Stakeholder Democracy TRANSPARENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability General Principles of Corporations Matching Goals and Principles Triple Bottom Line Measure it All Social Performance Pays Off Value Transparency HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT The Upside Down Pyramid We are the Owners How Responsibility Translate Into Hard Currency TAKE AWAYS APPENDIX I: RESEARCH PROJECT ‘GOOD PRACTICES OF STAKEHOLDER VIEW’ A) Goals of the Project B) Methodology APPENDIX II: INFORMATION ON CASE STUDY FIRMS A) Corporations in the Area of Financial Services B) Corporations from the Area of Telecommunication C) Corporations from the Area of Pharmaceuticals ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCES
SYBILLE SACHS is Professor at the University of Zurich, Switzerland and Head of the Centre for Strategic Management: Stakeholder View at HWZ. She heads the research projects ‘Good Practices of Stakeholder View’ and ‘ICT-Supported Stakeholder Management as an Entrepreneurial Success Factor’ which are supported by different national and international academic and research institutions.
EDWIN RÜHLI is Professor Emeritus for Business Administration at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. In 1970 he founded the Institute for Research in Business Administration, which he headed until 2000. In 1994 he was guest professor at the Columbia University in New York. He has published more than 200 papers on international, strategic and stakeholder management.
ISABELLE KERN first studied English, German and History, and later Business IT. She is senior research assistant at the Centre for Strategic Management: Stakeholder View at HWZ (University of Applied Sciences for Business Administration Zurich, Switzerland), and wrote her dissertation at the University of Zurich on stakeholder and knowledge management.