Tatjana Dzambazova was the product manager for Revit Architecture in Autodesk for the last two years and has recentlymoved into a new position where she explores emerging techn...
Tatjana Dzambazova was the product manager for Revit Architecture in Autodesk for the last two years and has recentlymoved into a new position where she explores emerging technologies, immersive experiences, and the impact of the Web 2.0 on ourlifestyles. Before joining Autodesk in 2000, she practicedarchitecture for 12 years in Vienna and London. At Autodesk, shehas focused on evangelizing technology and established herself asan internationally renowned speaker who has fostered relationshipswith architects and industry leaders around the globe. Powered withseemingly unlimited resources of energy, Tanja manages to makethree days out of one, and when she is not working (is that ever?)or coauthoring technology books, she is advocating wildlifeconservation and sustainability, reading books like a maniac, andgetting inspired at the theater. If you’re lucky enough to bein the Bay Area, you might catch a glimpse of Tanja cruising thestreets on her Ducati Monster.Greg Demchak is a designer, technology advocate, urbanexplorer, and post-apocalyptic webisode producer. He holdsarchitectural degrees from the University of Oregon and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a product designer for Revit Architecture and has been working with Revit since the year2000 (Release 2.0, if anyone’s counting). He has beenteaching Revit and BIM technology at the Boston Architectural College since 2003. He currently lives in Massachusetts.Eddy Krygiel is a registered architect, a LEED Accredited Professional, and an Autodesk Authorized Author at BNIM Architects.He has been using Revit since version 5.1 to complete projectsranging from single-family residences to office buildings as largeas 1.12 million square feet. Eddy is responsible for implementing BIM at his firm and consults for other architecture and contractingfirms looking to implement BIM. For the last three years, he hasbeen teaching Revit to practicing architects and architecturalstudents in the Kansas City area and has lectured around the nationon the use of BIM in the construction industry. Eddy alsocoauthored a paper on sustainability and BIM that was presented atthe 2006 AIA Technology in Architectural Practice conference.