This book describes a life unlike most. It is the story of an innocent childhood full of hardship, stress, and challenges rarely experienced by a child or adolescent struggling with maturity, social acceptance, and trials all before puberty.
That child overcame the odds and chose a career in law enforcement, which exposed him to dangerous experiences involving racial tension, murder, police attitudes, mistrust, anxiety, deception, death, the dangers that face law enforcement officers, and a variety of intriguing events. Those experiences resulted in the unveiling of surprising strengths and weaknesses.
This account promotes a better understanding of the character of the men and women who enforce our laws, exposing imperfections and lawlessness at times, but honoring their commitment to fulfill the oath to protect and serve. Circumstances reveal true attitudes and inept political views with some black racist politicians stoking the fires of discontent, white politicians trying to be politically correct to favor minorities, and both races raising suspicions of biased authority.
The nonconforming attitudes that often come out toward authority figures are made obvious by race baiters. Politicians are suspected of using their authority to cherry-pick powerful administrators who lack integrity. They are suspected of kowtowing to pressures from the administrations top political powers, and they fail miserably at honoring their oaths of office. Our justice department and those in power exacerbate racial unrest. They appear partisan, catering to the emotional whims of rioters and seeming at times to have antiwhite sentiment. They draw conclusions without engaging rational consideration or a review of evidence.
Opinions based on emotional reactions or gathering votes, rather than facts, seems to be the position many politicians take. This leads to premature conclusions that provoke demonstrations and give rioters a feeling of justification for destruction and theft.
Racists of the New Party of the Black Panthers demonstrate their hate by intimidating voters at the poles, aligning themselves with racist beliefs expressed by those in the media limelight, and spewing hatred to further divide citizens of all races and religious beliefs.
The author anticipates reader’s will be enlightened about the men and women that risk their lives daily, enforcing America’s laws, and protecting the people. The police have evolved from the old days of discrimination and brutality, although there are few, among the thousands of law enforcement personnel, that continue to be weeded out when discovered. The vast majority do not deserve to be labeled “Pigs”, or stereotyped in any way.
Officers are chosen for the position because they demonstrate they have the ability and desire. They are a cross reference of our society, not all perfect. Their abilities and judgement vary with each individual, just as any other large organization, but make no mistake about it, they are dedicated to their oath and have a desire to serve. They are not all innocent from the mistakes they made in life, but the vast majority strive to present themselves to the public as honest and trustworthy servants of the law.
They generally are criticized by many in society. To use the term, “damned if they do, and damned if they don’t”, adequately describes the attitude of those judging their actions.