Austerity and structural adjustment programs are just the latest forms of neoliberal policy to have a profoundly damaging impact on the targeted populations. Yet, as the contributors to this collection argue, the recent austerity-related European crisis is not a breach of erstwhile development schemes, but a continuation of economic policies. Using historical analysis and ethnographically-grounded research, this volume shows the similarities of the European conundrum with realities outside Europe, seeing austerity in a non-Eurocentric fashion. In doing so, it offers novel insights as to how economic crises are experienced at a global level.
Theodoros Rakopoulos
Chapter 1. Austerity:An Econo my of Words
Keith Hart
Chapter 2. Performing Austerity:Greece’s Debt Crisis an d European Integration
Cris Shore and Sally Raudon
Chapter 3. Austerity, Socialism, and the Capitalist Anti-Market
Patrick Neveling
Chapter 4. Debt, Vultures and Austerity in Argentina
Victoria Goddard
Chapter 5. Austerity Wars: The Crisis of Financialization and the Struggle for Democracy
Jaime Palomera
Chapter 6. On Austerity and Structural Adjustment: Tracing Continuity aand Difference across Space and Time
Theodore Powers
Chapter 7. The ‘Middle-Classification’ of the Public Space, Migration and the Silences of History: Austerity in Portugal
José Mapril and Ruy Llera Blanes
Chapter 8. (De-)stabilizing the European Austerity Debate via an Asian Detour: Lessons from Labour in Post-Crisis South Korea
Elisabeth Schober
Chapter 9. Austerity and “the Discipline of Historical Context”
Don Kalb
Theodoros Rakopoulos is Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Oslo. He has previously worked as Research Fellow at the University of Bergen (2015-16) and at the Human Economy Programme (University of Pretoria, 2013-14). He has conducted long-term fieldwork in rural Sicily and urban Greece and has published extensively in anthropological and regional journals, more recently in Current Anthropology and Critique of Anthropology. His monograph From Clans to Co-ops: Confiscated Mafia land in Sicily was published by Berghahn (2017).