This book examines current policy discussions around the migration-development nexus and subjects them to rigorous conceptual and empirical criticism through a transnational lens, placing the current re-discovery of migrants as agents of development nexus into theoretical and historical perspective.
Acknowledgements Preface Notes on Contributors The Migration-Development Nexus: Toward a Transnational Perspective; T.Faist & M.Fauser PART I: Paradigms – Methodological and Conceptual A Global Perspective on Migration and Development; N.Glick Schiller The Dialectic between Uneven Development and Forced Migration: Toward a Political Economy Analytical Framework; R.Delgado Wise & H.Márquez Covarrubias PART II: Organizations, Networks and States Diasporas, Recovery, and Development in Conflict-Ridden Societies; N.van Hear Business as Usual? Urban Actors and Transnational Investments in Accra, Ghana; L.Smith How Receiving Cities Contribute to Simultaneous Engagements for Incorporation and Development; M.Fauser A Sociology of Diaspora Knowledge Networks; J.B Meyer PART III: Outlook Academic Knowledge, Public Policy, and the Role of Social Scientists; T.Faist Modernization, Development, and Migration in a Skeptical Age; P.Kivisto
HUMBERTO MÁRQUEZ COVARRUBIAS Research Professor in the Academic Unit of Development Studies at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico RAÚL DELGADO WISE Professor and Director of the Doctoral Program in Development Studies at the University of Zacatecas, Mexico and Executive Director of the International Migration and Development Network THOMAS FAIST Professor of Transnational Relations and Sociology of Development at the Department of Sociology, Bielefeld University, Germany MARGIT FAUSER Lecturer and Researcher at the Department of Sociology at Bielefeld University, Germany NINA GLICK SCHILLER Director of the Cosmopolitan Cultures Institute and Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester, UK PETER KIVISTO Richard Swanson Professor of Social Thought and Professor and Chair of Sociology at Augustana College, USA JEAN-BAPTISTE MEYER Senior Researcher at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France and is associated with the doctoral programs of the University of Montpellier 1, France and of the Facultad Latino Americana de Ciencias Sociales in Buenos Aires LOTHAR SMITH Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Geography, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands NICHOLAS VAN HEAR Deputy Director of the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), at the University of Oxford, UK