作者: Thomas Pogge

Maria Petmesidou is Professor of Social Policy at Democritus University of Thrace and Fellow of CROP. She has served in various scientific committees and expert networks and has directed (and participated in) a large number of research projects funded by Greek authorities and the European Commission. Currently she is coordinating research (under EU FP7) on policy learning and transfer regarding youth labour. Recent publication: Economic Crisis and Austerity in Southern Europe: Threat of Opportunity for a Sustainable Welfare State? (co-edited with Ana Guillén, Routledge, 2015). Enrique Delamonica, Chief of Social Policy and Gender Equality, UNICEF Nigeria; CROP Fellow has over 20 years of experience working on child poverty, social protection, the impact of macro-economic trends on child welfare, socioeconomic disparities, child rights, and financing social services. He has written several books and articles on social policy and economic development. He has taught economics, policy analysis, statistics, and research methods at Columbia University, the New School, and Saint Peter’s College (New Jersey). Christos Papatheodorou is Professor of Social Policy and Dean of the School of Social, Political and Economic Sciences at Democritus University of Thrace (Greece). Since 2010 he is Head of the Research Unit Social Policy, Poverty and Inequalities, Labour Institute, Greek General Confederation of Labour. His research interests and publications are in the fields of political economy of social policy, economic inequality, poverty, macroeconomic environment and social protection, functional and personal distribution of income. Henry-Lee, Aldrie is a Senior Research Fellow and Acting Director of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica. She has carried out research and published in the areas of social protection, poverty and child rights in the Caribbean. The Chair of the annual Caribbean Child Research Conference, Dr. Henry-Lee has also taught Social Policy courses.

25 电子书 Thomas Pogge

Dwight Furrow: Moral Soundings
Moral Soundings takes a fresh new approach to introducing students and general readers to contemporary ethics. Rather than surveying the standard fare in a typical anthology format, Furrow collects d …
Alberto Cimadamore & Gabriele Koehler: Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals
As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) pass their 2015 deadline and the international community begins to discuss the future of UN development policy, Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals …
Maria Petmesidou & Enrique Delamonica: Child Poverty, Youth (Un)Employment, and Social Inclusion
Worldwide child and youth poverty and deprivation remain the biggest barrier to achieving a better life in adulthood. Progress in lifting children out of poverty in the last decades has been slow and …
Alberto Minujin & Mónica González Contró: Tackling Child Poverty in Latin America
This book highlights current debates about concepts, methods, and policies related to poverty in Latin America. It focuses on child and adolescent well-being and the issue of inclusive societies. Its …
Keetie Roelen & Richard Morgan: Putting Children First
Despite important strides in the fight against poverty in the past two decades, child poverty remains widespread and persistent, particularly in Africa. Poverty in all its dimensions is detrimental f …
Patricia Illingworth & Thomas Pogge: Giving Well
So long as large segments of humanity are suffering chronic poverty and are dying from treatable diseases, organized giving can save or enhance millions of lives. With the law providing little guidan …
Krishen Mehta & Thomas Pogge: Global Tax Fairness
This book addresses sixteen different reform proposals that are urgently needed to correct the fault lines in the international tax system as it exists today, and which deprive both developing and de …
Krishen Mehta & Thomas Pogge: Global Tax Fairness
This book addresses sixteen different reform proposals that are urgently needed to correct the fault lines in the international tax system as it exists today, and which deprive both developing and de …
Patricia Illingworth & Thomas Pogge: Giving Well
So long as large segments of humanity are suffering chronic poverty and are dying from treatable diseases, organized giving can save or enhance millions of lives. With the law providing little guidan …
Thomas Pogge & Michael Schramm: Absolute Poverty and Global Justice
Absolute poverty causes about one third of all human deaths, some 18 million annually, and blights billions of lives with hunger and disease. Developing universalizable norms aimed at tackling absolu …
Thomas Pogge & Michael Schramm: Absolute Poverty and Global Justice
Absolute poverty causes about one third of all human deaths, some 18 million annually, and blights billions of lives with hunger and disease. Developing universalizable norms aimed at tackling absolu …
Thomas Pogge: Health Rights
Health Rights is a multidisciplinary collection of seminal papers examining ethical, legal, and empirical questions regarding the human right to health or health care. The volume discusses what oblig …
Thomas Pogge: Health Rights
Health Rights is a multidisciplinary collection of seminal papers examining ethical, legal, and empirical questions regarding the human right to health or health care. The volume discusses what oblig …
Alberto Cimadamore & Gabriele Koehler: Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals
As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) pass their 2015 deadline and the international community begins to discuss the future of UN development policy, Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals …
Johnny Antonio Dávila & Thomas Pogge: El ámbito de lo colectivo
Vivimos en sociedades donde el individuo constituye el centro de la mayoría de nuestras reflexiones y acciones, ya sean políticas, morales o de otro tipo. Esto es así, por lo menos, en las sociedades …
Enrique Delamonica & Gustave Nébié: Child Poverty and Social Protection in Central and Western Africa
In the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Livingstone declaration, and the UN Social Protection Floor, this book deals jointly with multi-dimensional child poverty and social pr …
Sudeshna Chatterjee: Leaving No Child and No Adolescent Behind
The future of our world over the next decade is being shaped by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that seek to uphold children’s wellbeing and, by their call to leave no one behind and to reac …
John Ralwls & Thomas Pogge: A cincuenta años de Teoría de la Justicia
El impacto que Teoría de la justicia ha tenido en el mundo académico queda de manifiesto en las colaboraciones que aquí se recogen, donde profesores de Argentina (Roberto Gargarella), Chile (Juan Orm …
Christian Barry & Joel H. Rosenthal: Ethics & International Affairs
The third edition of Ethics International Affairs provides a fresh selection of classroom resources, ideal for courses in international relations, ethics, foreign policy, and related fields. Publishe …
Daniele Archibugi: Debating Cosmopolitics
Cosmopolitics, the concept of a world politics based on shared democratic values, is in an increasingly fragile state. While Western democracies insist ever more vehemently upon a maintenance of thei …
Michal Apollo & Thomas Pogge: Pro-Poor Mountain Tourism
This timely and interdisciplinary book is the first to examine mountain tourism and local communities with a pro-poor lens. By drawing on human geography, political and social science, ethics and mor …
Michal Apollo & Thomas Pogge: Pro-Poor Mountain Tourism
This timely and interdisciplinary book is the first to examine mountain tourism and local communities with a pro-poor lens. By drawing on human geography, political and social science, ethics and mor …