‘In only 138 pages Schirato manages a broad sweep across sports history and culture… he brings the eye of a critical fan to his analysis of sport, treating it seriously as a social practice and as a social institution… A useful, provocative and non-dogmatic text that should be useful to undergraduate and graduate sport studies programmes.’
– Malcolm Mac Lean, Sport in History
The narrative also focuses on and provides a detailed account of the gradual coming together of sport and the media. It explains how this relationship has accentuated sport′s status as one of the most important sites in contemporary culture, while simultaneously threatening its existence.
As part of the Understanding Contemporary Culture series this book is aimed at a broad range of students from undergraduate to graduate level, who want to know more and be fully informed on sport, its relationship to the media, and its cultural dynamics.
Playing Sport
Theories of Play, Games and Sport
Intimations of Sport
The Field of Sport
Global Sport
Sport, the Media and Spectatorship
From Sport to Spectacle
Contemporary Sport
Tony Schirato teaches and researches in the areas of cultural theory, media literacy, and sport and the media. He has co-authored books on the work of Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu, and also on communication and cultural literacy, globalisation, Asian cultural politics and visual culture. His most recent book is on sports culture. He is currently co-authoring a book on the work of gender theorist Judith Butler.