Zhongfeng Tian is an Assistant Professor of TESL Teacher Education/Applied Linguistics at the University of Texas at San Antonio, USA. His research interests include bi/multilingualism, bilingual education, translanguaging, TESOL, teacher education, and critical pedagogies. He was a former English teacher in China, Cambodia, and the U.S. He has co-edited a special issue entitled “Positive Synergies: Translanguaging and Critical Theories in Education” with Holly Link for the Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts (TTMC) journal.
Laila Aghai is an Assistant Professor of TESOL/ELL Education and the Director of the Indigenous Language Education Program at the University of North Dakota, USA. As a language educator, she has taught English as a second and foreign language in the U.S. and overseas. Her research is focused on TESOL, translanguaging, applied linguistics, multilingual education, and language ideologies. She serves on the editorial board of the Journalof Language, Identity and Education.
Peter Sayer is an Associate Professor of Language Education Studies at the Ohio State University, USA. His work in the U.S. and Mexico focuses on TESOL, bilingual education, sociolinguistics, and language education policy. He is the author of Tensions and Ambiguities in English Language Teaching (2012, Routledge). He is a former Fulbright Scholar to Mexico where he was a lead consultant to the Mexican Ministry of Education for the National English Program in Primary Schools. He is currently the editor of the TESOL Journal.
Jamie L. Schissel is Associate Professor, TESOL at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA. Jamie’s research centers on equity in relation to educational policies and assessments in participatory action research projects with linguistically and culturally diverse communities in the United States, Mexico, and Peru. Her book Social Consequences of Testing for Language-minoritized Bilinguals in the United States (Multilingual Matters) was published in 2019. She has served as a co-editor of the special issue “The Construct of Multilingualism in Language Testing” for Language Assessment Quarterly (December, 2019).
10 Ebooks by Zhongfeng Tian
Zhongfeng Tian & Laila Aghai: Envisioning TESOL through a Translanguaging Lens
To respond to the multilingual turn in language education, this volume constitutes a challenge to the traditional, monolingual, and native speakerism paradigm in the field of Teaching English to Spea …
BethAnne Paulsrud & Zhongfeng Tian: English-Medium Instruction and Translanguaging
This book offers a critical exploration of definitions, methodologies and ideologies of English-medium instruction (EMI), contributing to new understandings of translanguaging as theory and pedagogy …
BethAnne Paulsrud & Zhongfeng Tian: English-Medium Instruction and Translanguaging
This book offers a critical exploration of definitions, methodologies and ideologies of English-medium instruction (EMI), contributing to new understandings of translanguaging as theory and pedagogy …
Leah Shepard-Carey & Zhongfeng Tian: (Re)imagining Translanguaging Pedagogies through Teacher–Researcher Collaboration
This book presents one possible pathway towards the advancement of translanguaging pedagogies: teacher–researcher partnerships. Although the existing literature alludes to the value of such partnersh …
Zhongfeng Tian & Nicole King: Developing Translanguaging Repertoires in Critical Teacher Education
This volume explores the emergent process of developing translanguaging repertoires among teacher educators, pre- and in-service teachers in different U.S. teacher education contexts. Its empirically …
Leah Shepard-Carey & Zhongfeng Tian: (Re)imagining Translanguaging Pedagogies through Teacher-Researcher Collaboration
This book presents one possible pathway towards the advancement of translanguaging pedagogies: teacher-researcher partnerships. Although the existing literature alludes to the value of such partnersh …
Ruth Harman & Raul Alberto Mora: Translanguaging and Multimodality as Flow, Agency, and a New Sense of Advocacy in and from the Global South
This volume provides six distinct frameworks for integrating translanguaging and multimodality as pedagogical possibilities in today’s classrooms and beyond. It brings the two constructs together in …
Ruth Harman & Raul Alberto Mora: Translanguaging and Multimodality as Flow, Agency, and a New Sense of Advocacy in and from the Global South
This volume provides six distinct frameworks for integrating translanguaging and multimodality as pedagogical possibilities in today’s classrooms and beyond. It brings the two constructs together in …
Nicole King & Zhongfeng Tian: Developing Translanguaging Repertoires in Critical Teacher Education
This volume explores the emergent process of developing translanguaging repertoires among teacher educators, pre- and in-service teachers in different U.S. teacher education contexts. Its empirically …
Ko-Yin Sung: Chinese-English Dual Language Immersion Programs
Chinese dual language immersion (DLI) education experienced unprecedented growth in recent years; hence, it has become critical that Chinese DLI research catches up to inform Chinese DLI teachers and …