This anthology is a symposium on queer space and queer utopias. Through the presentation of empirical work by contemporary queer theorists this book aims to create a critical dialogue about the emergence of queer spaces and the ways in which they aim to further queer futurity.
Table of Content
Notes on Contributors Introduction: Queer Utopias, Queer Futurity and Potentiality in Quotidian Practice; Angela Jones PART I: THEATRE PERFORMANCE 1. The Play Within the Film: Tel Aviv, History and the Queer Utopia, David Gorshein 2. It’s about time, Queer Utopias, and Theatre Performance; Stephen Farrier PART II: EROTICIZED SPACES 3. Queer Utopias in Painful Spaces: BDSM Participants’ Interrelational Resistance to Heteronormativity and Gender Regulation; Brandy L. Simula 4. The Queer Potentiality of Barebacking: Charging, Whoring, & Breeding as Utopian Practices; Brandon Andrew Robinson PART III: QUEER COUNTERPUBLICS 5. Performing Utopia: Queer Counterpublics and Southerners on New Ground; Sarah Steele 6. Landscaping Classrooms toward Queer Utopias; Kat Rands, Jess Mc Donald, and Lauren Clapp PART IV: QUEER POLITICAL ACTIVISM 7. The Utopia of Europe’s LGBTQ Visibility Campaigns in the Politics of Everyday Life: the Utopic of Social Hope in the Images of Queer Spaces; Pawel Leszkowicz and Tomasz Kitlinski 8. Utopian Pragmatics: Bash Back! and the Temporality of Radical Queer Action; Hilary Malatino PART V: FAMILY 9. Radical Experiments Involving Innocent Children: Locating Parenthood in the Queer Utopia; Jane Ward 10. Utopian Kinship?: Queer Families with Children; Laura Heston Introduction PART I: THEATRE PERFORMANCE
About the author
Stephen Farrier, University of London, UK Anastasia Kayiatos, University of California, Berkeley, USA Brandy L. Simula, Emory University, USA Maura Kelly, Portland State University, USA Dylan Waller, Portland State University, USA Pawel Leszkowicz, University of Sussex, UK Tomasz Kitlinski, Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland Hilary Malatino, Indiana University, USA James Joseph Dean, Sonoma College, USA Steven Seidman, State University of New York, USA Laura Heston, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, USA