The pandemic changed the world on a global scale. Not only was it devastating in terms of loss of life, it also revealed deep layers of anxiety and brokenness throughout society. Mental exhaustion, economic disparities, and escalating divisions now mark our times.
But award-winning author Chris Rice sees the challenges of our day as a historic opportunity for renewal and fresh growth. As he examines eight interrelated crises exposed by the pandemic era, he provides pathways for followers of Christ to bring transformation and healing to their lives and communities. Covering topics ranging from a burnout society and a dangerous bipolar world order to our own divided selves, Rice helps readers to understand this emerging world that will reshape our lives for decades to come.
Drawing from his work across divides domestically and around the world, and writing with vulnerability and honesty about his own failings, he sets forth transformative practices that can move us toward social healing and spiritual renewal.
Table of Content
Introduction: Renewing a Shaken World
1. Bearing Joy for a World of Frantic Anxiety
2. Centering the Vulnerable for a World of Rising Disparity
3. Being Peacemakers for a World of Surging Polarization
4. Redeeming Power for a World of Political Mediocrity
5. Making Transnational Disciples for a World of American Blinders
6. Pursuing Private Integrity for a World of Public Validation
7. Cultivating Moral Imagination for a World of Unprecedented Dangers
8. Renewing the Church for a World Longing for Hope
Epilogue: Rest for Restless Hearts
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
About the author
Chris Rice (DMin, Duke University) is director of the United Nations Office of the Mennonite Central Committee, an international relief, development, and peace agency. He served as cofounding director of the Duke Divinity School Center for Reconciliation, and has worked through the academy, churches, and faith-based organizations to heal social conflicts in east Africa, Northeast Asia, and the American South. He is coauthor of Reconciling All Things and More Than Equals, which both won Christianity Today Book Awards. Chris and his wife, Donna, have three adult children and live in New York City.